OT: Crist extends early voting hours; decision may prompt lawsuit

big rattler
Yesterday, Gov. Charlie Crist today signed Executive Order 08-217, extending the hours for early voting during the current general election. Now, all Florida’s early voting sites must be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., through Friday, October 31 and for a total of 12 hours between 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 1, and 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 2.

Although a 2005 law limits early voting to eight hours on weekdays and a combined total of eight on weekends, Crist cited another statute that gives him the authority to extend hours during emergencies. He believes that the unprecedented turn-out and long lines have created a clear emergency situation.

“I have spoken with the Secretary of State and members of the Florida Legislature and have concluded that it is always the right thing to do to give voters every opportunity to cast a ballot,” Crist said. “I have a responsibility to the voters of our state to ensure that the maximum number of citizens can participate in the electoral process, and that every person can exercise the right to vote.”

Not everyone agrees with Crist’s interpretation. Ron Labasky, who serves as general counsel for the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections,
argued that “an emergency” means a “natural disaster” or other “calamity.”

Some election supervisors have
suggested that an injunction be filed against the governor’s order. In the meanwhile, many are scrambling to find the money for the extra staffing required to comply with Crist’s decision.

While GOP presidential candidate John McCain’s campaign has publicly backed the Florida governor’s action, some Republicans are fuming, fearful that the tremendous early voting turn-out will benefit Democrats during this election cycle.

There's also speculation that tensions are high between McCain and Crist.

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  1. Uh, that sounds like voter supression on the republicans. Also, during the primaries, the gov. denied requests to extend hours even though we had a hurricane which shut down early voting in south florida and subsequently northward the rest of the state for two days. Inconsistent Charlie. But we already expected that. He can't get another term. I sure am looking for the next great governor of Florida already. I'm sure he's already parmised FL to Mccain but we got something for that.

  2. Charlie sees the McCain campaign tanking and is jumping ship, like many other Republicans. He doesn't want to give President Obama incentive to pump extra DNC dollars into the 2010 gubernatorial race.

    But then, some are saying Charlie might give up the governor's office on his own and go after Mel Martinez's U.S. senate seat in the next election.

  3. It could be worse and he not extend the hours at all. This only leaves less drama for Election Day.

  4. I could care less about the McCain-Palin and Republican train wreck about to happen. I like the fact that Charlie has the good sense to see that folks are turing out to vote early in record numbers (especially South Florida) and is doing something to make sure that the voice of the people will be heard. On the other hand, we in Florida know that record voter turn out doesn't mean anything if all the votes aren't counted...

    Watch for the GOP trick play.

  5. Charlie was elected to serve, as he said in an interview on
    10/28/08, to "serve the people of Florida."

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