Post debate: Polls give nod to Obama

da rattler

Last night's debate was a snooze. The questions and the faux town hall format were just awful. John McCain, supposedly in his element here, was at times incoherent, other times condescending, overall not very compelling. Barack Obama was much more confident and hit his stride discussing fiscal and economic policy, and, connecting with voters on health care. Obama says "health care is a right" and thankfully slammed McCain for voting against children's health insurance. McCain says heath care is a "responsibility." Obama won the second debate hands down.

The first post-debate polls agree.

CBS: Obama wins undecideds 40% to 26%.

CNN/Opinion Research: Obama wins 54% to 30%.

A majority, 54 percent, said Obama seemed to be the stronger leader during the debate, to 43 percent for McCain. By a greater than two to one margin—65 percent to 28 percent—viewers thought Obama was more likeable during the debate.

A majority of debate watchers polled thought Obama was more intelligent, by a 57 percent to 25 percent margin over McCain. Twice as many debate watchers also thought Obama more clearly expressed than McCain, with 60 percent giving the nod to the Democratic nominee and 30 percent to his GOP opponent.

You know this was a horrible night for John McCain when several bloggers at the right-wing National Review blog—and their readers—agree Obama won.

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  1. McCain needs to hang it up!!!

  2. Barry's rhetoric does not match his record. He is a great speaker and a master of deception. I hope the voters at least KNOW what they are voting for before November. Read his policy statements. Maybe we will get the judgment we deserve when he is elected and enslaves us all to his big government programs.

  3. How do you explain exactly what "big government" is.? LOL

  4. Explain how we got in the mess we are in with 8 years of George Bush and GOP controlled Congress for most of those eight years? What is John McBush going to do that's different?

  5. 1:24 your arguement is ridiculous. First you claim deception then you point to Obama's policy statements. IF the policy statements are public, where is the deception.

    We will wait while you check with Hannity and the RNC for talking points.

    God save us from the RNC lemmings!

  6. Read the communist manifesto. If you like what you read. Vote for Barry Obama - friend of Marxists and terrorists and a product of the corrupt (criminal) Chicago political machine. Obama attends the church of a racist for 20 years. What does that make him? Obama has his political coming out party at the home of a known terrorist. What does that say about him? Obama will cut your income tax (if you pay any at all now) but will raise taxes on virtually every other facet of your life. Who do you think is going to pay that corporate tax increase? You the consumer - if you still have a job. Higher taxes means more companies relocating over seas. Thanks a lot dumbass politician. Maybe you should have taken an economics course while you were agitating the community.

  7. @ 8:36

    And yet...not ONE word on any McCain policy, idea, or plan that is superior. Furthermore, not one word on what YOU believe the true national ideals should be. Thank you for making your own argument null and void.

    Please feel free to move to Iraq and enjoy the 'democracy' that we are fighting so hard to establish over there.

  8. that was a pretty dumb response... lol... you didn't crack on Mccain, so your obama arguement is people crack me up

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