Rules sack "King of Orange & Green"

Jeremy Becks (pictured), who was elected King of the Orange and Green this past spring recently came to the realization that he will not be able to hold on to the title he campaigned so hard to win. It seems that Becks didn't enroll for a full load of classes this fall and isn't a full-time student. He has been replaced as King of Orange & Green by the second place finisher (whatever his name is. Nobody ever remembers runner-ups).

According to the FAMUAN, "Becks received a letter from Henry Kirby, associate vice president and dean of students, stating that he could no longer serve in the position because he is "not a full-time and/or registered student at FAMU" this semester."

"Financial obligations from previous semesters did not allow him to register for classes by the deadline. He said he would have still remained in the position if he had met it.," Becks told the FAMUAN.

John White will replace Becks as King of Orange and Green.

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  1. i'm not sure how such a simple thing as knowing if you meet specific qualifications for a position you seek is such a difficult thing to ascertain. I mean, what's so hard to understand about that? Surely, there are rules and regulations and written criteria that a student has access to before seeking the position. Anyway, what the heck does a "Mr. FAMU" do anyway? All things being equal, I reckon he does whatever it is that Miss FAMU does during her reign.

  2. He had time and money to campaign..he should have had time and money to enroll full time.

  3. 9:33 AM, I'm not sure if you are confusing the King of Orange & Green with Mr. FAMU. Mr FAMU & MISS FAMU are the main student ambassadors of the university. In fact, the entire Royal Court, SGA, & Connect Group do a great job in recruiting for FAMU. For example, they recruit students in various cities around the country. This is the first time in FAMU's history that Mr. & Miss FAMU are grad students. Last week during the Atlanta Football Classic, Mr. & Miss FAMU participated in recruitment at the Georgia World Congress Center & the Marriott Hotel. Earlier in the day, they both visited a local high school and talked to students about FAMU, encouraged them to put academics first, and attend college. Afterwards, they entertained questions from the students. It is a proven fact that current college students are the best recruiters for a university because "they keep it real".

    I hate that things turned out this way for Jeremy Beck, but John White is an excellent replacement.

    Talk up FAMU.

  4. Great lesson learned. Great lesson and at a minimal cost. It didn't cost him a job, a wife, or a fortune. Take care of the important things first. Ask for help when you're having problems.

    The young man will grow from this experience and I add my blessing to his life

  5. Why are they removing him after they let Sherri Edwards continue to serve as Miss FAMU even though she withdrew from her classes at the end of the fall semester.

  6. It is my opinion that if you withdraw that you should continue to keep your full-time status if you continue to attend class up to the 60% period of the semester (Financial Aid) because if she withdrew from the classes she was still 100% financially obligated for those classes. It would have been different if she would have dropped them or never registered

  7. Maybe Miss FAMU withdrew AFTER football season. It appears this dude didn't even register for classes this fall, UNTIL after he got notice he was gonna be taken down.

  8. "Boy i love John P. White"...Rumors are about to fly...lmao

  9. More than likely his fraternity footed the bill for his campaign....

  10. MY fraternity had nothing to do with his campaign, haters.

  11. Jeremy was an excellent choice for King of Orange & Green. I attended the pageant and he demonstrated a lot of intelligence & confidence. I'm sorry that things turned out this way for him and I hope he resolves his financial issues. I wish Mr. White much success.

    GO FAMU!!!

  12. let's move on to more substantive issues. i realize that we're suffering here from lack of real news, but this is ridiculous.

  13. 3:52pm stop directing traffic. The people can speak on this if they please...

  14. Obviously, they can, 4:01, because they are continuing to do so. Take your own advice, and stop directing me.

  15. FAMU hasn't changed, people still make big issues of the trivial stuff that happens on the Hill. Thank God, I no longer have to deal with this. I hope this isn't where my alumni dues go to!!!

  16. 1:30 PM, Your alumni dues are helping to scholarships for students. During the Atlanta Football Classic, FAMU offered scholarships (full & partial) to more than 100 high school students.

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