In his first year as Florida A & M University president he has solved financial and academic problems which have plagued the university for years. Now, the school is attracting favorable national attention. Recent stops by President-elect Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have helped salvage the university’s reputation. Now, ESPN is getting in on the action.
Less than a year ago, Florida A & M University was on probation and in danger of losing its accreditation over the way it spent state dollars. Today it’s on top of the world. To the shock of many students, ESPN’s College Game Day is in Tallahassee highlighting the FAMU Rattlers.
Devon McNish a freshman from Tampa was one of those shocked. “When I heard it, I was like it can’t be the same College Game day that is at Florida, Georgia, and USC. I was like it can’t be the same one.”
Game day is just one of many recent events hoisting the historically black college into the national spotlight. The national publicity is helping to heal the university’s tarnished reputation. Students, like Shatia Williams of Ft. Lauderdale, who stuck by the school through the hard times, are celebrating the recent string of positive press.
“A lot of people had bad things to say about the school. They put the school down really bad, bottom of the map. So now I feel like its good that we’re getting known. That everything is okay.”
And while the attention is making the school a winner, the football team still has to take the field to earn its glory. Tomorrow will be the first time College Game day broadcasts from a historically black college in the show’s 20 year history.
Also see: FAMU getting great press
swagger my a--. He got a long ways to go to restore FAMU.These FAMU folks just don't get it.It's sad.
ReplyDeleteI agree, ditto! Where was Dr. Ammons for the ESPN event!!!
ReplyDeleteHe was there you idiot!
ReplyDeletePlease keep your momma out of it...
ReplyDeleteAnd somehow we went from having the worst athletic website on earth to the best website in football...just in time for College Gameday huh? I'm
ReplyDeletereally shocked and amazed. I wonder what Ammons said to the AD to make that happen!
I guess that it was okay for US to look at a F":<(%^ up website but not okay for the old boys to see it because that wouldn't be good for publicity.
wow you was not bluffing..they pulled out the big guns for the new athletics sit...OFFICIAL..in bold print..lol check it out
They hired a firm to do the work a while back, if I'm not mistaken. It just took the company a certain amount to compile all of the information they needed to produce a polished product. With that said, I do commend the administration for folliwing through on the improvements which were conspicuously necessary.
ReplyDeleteFAMU finances are terribly screwed up as per normal. What Ammons is good at is propaganda. He struck a deal with the Democrat to not report bad news such as hundreds of people not getting paid.
ReplyDeleteFAMU EIT constructed the new athletic website. FAMU didnt oursource it. The original website was created by the Rattler Boosters.
Why don't you FAMU haters stay off this sight.
ReplyDeleteDo one better...Die!!!!!
^5 to 6:01p...lol
Thanks 11:17. That makes so much sense. There are several opportunities to use the sources on campus to make so changes. Landscape arch...desing and build an arboretum.
ReplyDeleteTo all of you misinformed a$$ holes, during ESPN Game Day, Dr. Ammons was in Lee Hall awarding academic scholarships to visiting high school students. The recruiting program was planned long before ESPN announced that they were coming to FAMU. The scholarship recipients and their parents were overjoyed and shedded tears after receiving news of the scholarship. After the Lee Hall program, Dr. Ammons, administrators, and FAMU student ambassadors went to the Grand Ballroom for another event. So before you run off at the mounth about what Dr. Ammons "ain't" doing, please know that he is putting academics above athletics.
ReplyDeleteIs that how you see it... so sad. Everyone knows that his job is on the line and like Obama expectations are high, why do you think ESPN was recruited? The publicity idiot -- trying to place FAMU back on the map. Let me guess, how much were the scholarships? Why not be a original -- Humphries was the class act.
ReplyDeleteNo longer a misguided Rattler! Go NOLES!
6:25, Glad you're a Nole. You would never make it at FAMU. Your writing is elementary and you probably typed your message on a stolen computer. lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd for your information, FAMU NEVER left the map. We made the news this past weekend because of something positive happening at FAMU. "Noles" made the news this past weekend because of their thugesh criminal behavior. Go figure.
We know that the University has come a long way since Ammons has been at the top of the helm, but to say that the University is on "top of the owrld" is quite an exaggeration. I say we need to get all of our academics in check and to keep moving forward. Not to take away anything positive that is currently going on at the institution, but we must keep this thing real and not hyperbolize our situation. We'll get there -- on top of the world, if that's what you want to call it -- but it takes more than what we've seen in the past 15 months for us to make such a lofty title.