Survey: FAMU’s teaching is top-notch

big rattler

A recent national survey sponsored by the prestigious Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching gave FAMU’s faculty high marks for their teaching skills.

Out of the five key areas that were assessed, FAMU scored higher than other comparable institutions in three categories: student-faculty interaction, active and collaborative learning, and level of academic challenge.

“At Florida A&M University, we pride ourselves in creating an intellectual and creative learning environment for our students,” Provost Cynthia Hughes Harris said. “Some great things are taking place in our colleges and schools where our students and faculty members are truly excelling.”

The data comes from the National Survey of Student Engagement, which annually provides comparative standards for assessing effective educational practices in higher education. It is based on information from nearly 380,000 randomly selected first-year and senior students at 722 four-year colleges and universities in the U.S.

The survey results, endorsed by one of America’s most revered educational research centers, provide empirical evidence to support something FAMUans have stressed for well over a year. Despite the gross financial mismanagement and accreditation violations committed by FAMU’s past interim administration, the university’s professors made sure that “excellence with caring” remained alive and well inside the classrooms.

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  1. My son has the utmost respect for FAMU's teaching. He graduated in 4 years, is now in grad school at FAMU, and hates to leave. He loves that university so much and thinks that it's the greatest in America.

    Keep up the great work, FAMU teachers. Thanks for all you have done for my son and the sons and daughters of others.

  2. I'm so proud of my beloved alma mater.

    Not bad for 2s right Castell *winking*

  3. I have so much respect for FAMU's teachers for hanging in there when we were in turmoil (interim presidents, interim ADs, bad audits, scandal after scandal). All the while this was going on, our teachers stayed focused and taught our kids. Thank you FAMU teachers. You could have given up, but you didn't. You are the greatest and as a parent, I will always feel indebted to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are indeed "Top Notch".

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