FAMU delivers holiday treat to local children

big rattler

Earlier this week, FAMU President James Ammons and First Lady Judy Ammons shared some holiday cheer by donating bicycles, books and gift cards to more than 400 children in the Tallahassee community.

The program benefitted children from Bond Elementary, Fairview Middle, FAMU-Developmental Research School, Griffin Middle, John G. Riley Elementary, Nims Middle and Pineview Elementary Schools as well as three community centers —Jack McLean, Jake Gaither and Walker-Ford.

“This holiday season is a time for sharing,” said President Ammons. “It is about caring for those who are important to you. We care about our community and this is just one way that we can show them.”

According to Pamela Hightower, principal of Bond Elementary, what the Ammons did was truly a blessing.

“We thank the Ammons' for the their thoughtfulness and good gesture,” she said.

The children were entertained by members of the FAMU Marching “100,” the Tallahassee Boys’ Choir, FAMU cheerleaders and the Mountain Dew Cloggers. They also received greetings from the FAMU men’s and women’s basketball teams.

Additionally, Tallahassee Mayor John Marks did a reading of "The Night Before Christmas."

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  1. Wu-Tang is for the babies

  2. Dr. James & Judy Ammons are a class act. FAMU is blessed to have them. My child is a FAMU student ambassador that participates in student recruitment. He is sooooo impressed with Dr. Ammons. As a matter of fact, all of the students that I've spoken with said that they are extremely impressed and pleased with Dr. Ammons' leadership. Merry Christmas Ammons Family & FAMU.

  3. Why Dr. Ammons and his wire look like they bout to get on Harley's???? LOL

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