Apples v. Oranges
“The program concluded one of its most successful football seasons in recent years,” FAMU’s Athletic Director William Hayes and Erica Wilcox, assistant director of athletics for business management, wrote in an overview letter included with the financial report.
“However, the financial success of the program is still having difficulty balancing the cost of competition with its anticipated revenues. The overall decline in revenues coupled with the increased cost of operating expenses has resulted in the deficit, ” the letter continued.
Shockingly, the recently concluded football season that Hayes and Wilcox wrote to FAMU trustees about in their letter didn't commence until early September 2008 and concluded on November 22, 2008 and didn't show up in the most recent financial report on the department.
Hayes said an aggressive marketing campaign is under way for the athletic programs, yet to date renewal forms to football season ticket holders have yet to be sent out.
Concessions will be changed to compete with external vendors, Hayes said. Hayes boasted a similar claim last year, yet game day concessions inside Bragg Stadium were worst this year not better.
To be fair, the financial report only covers the first six months of Hayes' tenure as athletic director.
One of the first things we need to do is remove Mickey Clayton from his leadership role in the Rattler Boosters. I received literature in yesterday's mail from the Boosters and one thing that stood out like a sore thumb was Clayton's comments that "FAMU Boosters uses the Seminole Boosters' model as it relates to game day parking". Does that in some way makes it right or ligitimate? Why can't FAMU Boosters create its own model? No wonder we're having a hard time "Boosting" membership. We need new leadership and Clayton is not the right person. Riding around in a golf cart all day on game days is not impressive to me. Clayton's heart may be in the right place, but he lacks people skills, motivational skills, and his professionalism leaves a lot to be desired. Clayton, please step down for the good of FAMU Boosters.
ReplyDeleteWhy would the pamphlets include Clayton's comment about what FSU's game day parking -- as if we cannot figure this thing out ourselves -- or, if such a model is used -- make sure the comment is not used in our print releases. I agree that Clayton does not need to be in the position he's in. He's been recycled absolutely too many times at FAMU. He simply needs to go. What new ideas does he/has he brought to the table? In other words, what has he done for the athletic dept. lately?
ReplyDeleteI also received the Rattler Boosters literature and was disappointed in the Seminole Boosters comment. In the literature was a Question & Answer Segment. Someone asked a question about paying for game day parking only as opposed to paying $250.00 and up for parking. Clayton's answer was "The Rattler Booster Club has followed a lot of the Seminole Boosters model, particularly on game day operations. The Seminole Boosters control ALL campus parking on game days and is a critical part of the benefits given to the Boosters". Why even mention Seminole Boosters in an effort to increase Rattler Booster membership? I don't care what the Seminole Boosters are doing? Don't we have a mind of our own? Can't we think for ourselves? Mickey Clayton and Bill Hayes need to go. They both are way over their heads and are of no benefit to anything that they head.
ReplyDeleteHeck, I'm certain that Seminole Boosters didn't even create the model that they follow. They probably got it from the Gator Boosters who probably picked it up from the (Michigan) MGo Blue Boosters (Victors Club).
ReplyDeleteI also agree Bill Hayes and Mickey Clayton need to go. The sooner the better.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! The deficit has doubled under Bill Hayes and our programs are the worst funded. Where is all the money going? This is the largest athletic budget in recent years, but the coaches don't have the scholarships or the recruiting money or travel dollars or equipment, basicaly don't have anything even to be D III. I heard our track teams were at the MEAC indoor championships this weekend with no money to eat or pay their hotel. This is unacceptable. Bill Hayes is not doing $ht to earn his salary. He is a bum and needs to go.
ReplyDeleteI also heard about the Track Team not having meal money while participating in the MEAC Indoor Championships. Bill Hayes is pressuring Coach Rey Robinson to produce a championship track team and at the same time not providing this team any support. What does he want Coach Robinson to do, pull a rabbit out of a hat? One of the track athletes told me that Bill Hayes has never been out to the track to greet the athletes. He's a poor excuse for an AD and he needs to go, NOW!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG! Parking isn't really a problem on campus. Not during school, not during a football game. If parking is to be addressed at all, they should go back to shuttles and try to eliminate the cars in that area as much as possible. Shuttles would also handle the non drivers in Tally who are in many cases students and alumni. Wonder why students don't even make it to the game? Public transportation is not something for the POOR- its for all of us. Oh I forgot that the "progress" we've made in the United States has clouded the truth. As if we, particularly in the south, have gotten the transportation system we pay for and deserve since the bus boycotts. Many abandoned the concept and treat it as a second class or "welfare" system. When in fact, it is the sign of a greater society. If you are a public official of any sort, you should be required to use the public system. Having said that, it's time for Mr. Clayton and his co-hort, Mr. Hayes to be buying tickets and parking or shuttles like us. Please step out and claim your letters of gratitude and dismissal. Go Rattlers!
ReplyDeleteMy issue is why was Bill Hayes & Ms. Wilcox telling the board about the athletic successes in what clearly was the 08-09 year, when the financial statements covered were for the 07-08 year????
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of sullbhit was dat?
Sound like a BIG bait and switch move to me. Thanks RN for calling them out on that. The Dixiecrat surely missed that point.
It's time for all Rattler alumni, boosters, supporters and fans to hold President James H. Ammons accountable for the mess in athletics and demand that Hayes be immediately relieved of his duties as Director of Athletics. According to sources Ammons has already been advised to replace Hayes. They need to learn from previous mistakes that holding on to incompetence will only get you farther in th hole. They kept Townsend six months too long and look where that got us. Hayes has been on the job for more than a year and has nearly doubled the deficit. He is laughing all the way to the bank and could not care less. Now, after a year he is talking about "aggressive marketing campaign "? What has Hayes done for a year? It is better to pay him his contract and save the program than keep him and go farther in debt. Interesting that noone speaks of Albert Smith and him contesting his termination. Apperantly he is claiming to have "misdirected" funds under the orders of Hayes.
ReplyDeleteIs Albert Smith and Clayton Smith the same individual?
ReplyDeleteWe as alumni can continue to complain about the administrators on campus; however, until we collectively put our money where our mouth is, we will continue to have the same problems. I don't know any of the other anonymous posters, so I won't question whether anyone person is a paid member of the alumni association, boosters, or a season ticket holder of any sport. But one thing is for sure, FAMU receives very poor support from some of the very same people who always complain about what the administrators are not doing. As we complain about the performance of said administrators, lets also encourage our friends and family to join these organizations that support the university. I know we don't like to mention the school across the tracks, but remember when the alumni and boosters complained about the head coach's son's performance, the boosters relieved the university of that obligation by absorbing his salary. That type of intervention costs money.
ReplyDeleteCollege athletics has changed in the last 25 years. To have a successful program, college programs must generate lots of money to remain competitive. And while corporate donors have become part of the economic strategy of most big time programs, the support of the alumni and boosters still remain at the core of that strategy.
So, let's continue to hold our administrators accountable, and let's start holding some of our non-investing, complaining friends and family members accountable as well.
Bill Hayes does not need to go, he needs a chance.
ReplyDeleteYou cant be serious to blame this man for all the pilfer and mis-management of funds by the "Nelson Townsend" Clan under castell bryant admin.
Nelson Townsend,
Earl "D'Wayne" Robinson, Albert "Clayton" Smith,
Coretta Ellison (Townsend's Niece),
Mickey Clayton and others....
and its funny how the business affairs of athletics has been and still is mis-managaged by Erica Wilcox dont blame Bill Hayes or anyone else for this checks and balances. The records being turned in with figures recorded as less than what the actual deficit was now that you have auditors and financial advisors who really know how to get to the nitty gritty! has uncovered what the "Townsend" admininstration really did and is being blamed on Hayes.
But Bill needs to get rid of Mickey Clayton, Erica Wilcox, Coretta Ellison, Dana Walker, Bob McBee, Eugene Harris, Veronica Wiggins, Reynaud Robinson and others - (That's over a Mill right there) **the cesspool**
Oh, Mickey Clayton never has his own ideas and can you please explain how he is moved around FAMU after being fired or ran out of all the departments. hu?
Bill Hayes need to stay and get rid of the above and take charge of "your" department.
the money is in the salaries of
ReplyDeletewhy would you hire
Bob McBee (dont know &*%$ friend)
Dana Walker (son-in-law)
you need to really think bill they dont know ^$#$ why do you believe in them white dont mean right and you son in law - a whinner
you were moving on the right track without them - my goodness
ReplyDeleteHere's what wrong with your comment:
1) Bill Hayes just hired Bob McBee and son-in-law Dana Walker.
2) Hayes is best buds with Mickey Clayton and was also best buds with Clayton Smith.
Given this, it appears that Hayes himself is party of the problem.
rey robinson ain't won sh..t in years so dont blame bill hayes for his non winning track career and if that's true about this weekend Rey had to tell it - find out the facts before you but someone else on blast.
ReplyDeletedoes bill hayes look at the financial books? - no - he goes by what his business manager erica wilcox says and what mickey clayton says and shows him
ReplyDeletehe should be faulted for not getting rid of erica and mickey when he first got there, not for the financial problem.
The state of athletics have been getting worse and worse over the years erica has been in charge of the finance of athletics -
and the other boob mickey clayton over the booster's funds for the past few years....
and the coaches over spend even when they know what their budget is ask eugene harris and joseph taylor they have an Infinite account.
when the budget starts July 1 of the year why is the athletic department out of funds for the new fiscal year before the end of fooball season? and no bills have been paid and there isnt any funds for the spring sports? and the coaches spend spend spend. that's the responsibility of the business manager to "manage" the funds and make sure tey are managed. huummm
and the boosters money is mickeys play money
Yes. Albert is his first name
ReplyDeleteAlbert Clayton Smith its funny how a few people never use their first names
Albert "Clayton" Smith
Michael "Mickey" Clayton
Earl "Dwayne" Robinson
yea!!!! the people who need to be questions about the $$$$ gone from athletics
9:18 p.m.
ReplyDeleteIf the athletic department is in such a financial deficit why would you hire new people? in positions that were not needed there were people in those departments who could have been upgraded to those positions.
If he speaks of raising money why doesnt anyone work in his "raising money" department McBee and Walker should have headed up the "raising money" department or not hired because their isnt any funds to give new people $80,000 and $95,000 salaries
concerned rattlers! what are we going to do to help the state of athletics.
ReplyDeletenow do you see why the fence should have gone up and tickets should have been purchased and support of the 1000 strikes effort
i am a concerned rattler alum and i have been giving and will continue to give through the famu foundation, inc. not through any other source.
support athletics through the FAMU Foundation, Inc.
concerned rattlers! what are we going to do to help the state of athletics.
ReplyDeletenow do you see why the fence should have gone up and tickets should have been purchased and support of the 1000 strikes effort
i am a concerned rattler alum and i have been giving and will continue to give through the famu foundation, inc. not through any other source.
support athletics through the FAMU Foundation, Inc.
mickey clayton we are the "Rattlers" not the Seminoles
ReplyDeleteIs it true Bill Hayes forced the coaches and staff to scrub the toilets, clean the bathrooms and wash and paint the bleachers in Bragg?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what is going on with the Athletic Website? Who is the contact person to keep it up to date?
ReplyDeleteI don't know if he forced them to do the chores of the stadium, but it was strongly recommend that they do...LOL!!! I was a part of it.
ReplyDelete9:07 PM,
ReplyDeleteOne of the track athletes told me about the meal money. I haven’t spoken to Coach Rey Robinson. Let’s get our facts straight about Coach Rey Robinson’s performance. If you do some research on our Track Team, you will find that Coach Robinson has been very successful. Not only has he won championships, but he has produced NCAA Champions (Kevin Hicks, Chris Hargrett) and MEAC Academic Student/Athletes (Omari Crawford, current Mr. FAMU). Our Track Program was doing fine until FAMU decided to play musical chairs with the AD’s position. There was Dr. Lee, E. Newton Jackson, Nelson Townsend, and now Bill Hayes. Our track facility is deplorable. The team has been hit with a rash of injuries in recent years. I believe most of the injuries are a result of our poor track surface. Track meets have been canceled at the last minute because of funding. Team morale is low because our Athletic Department is not supporting them. We can’t offer track scholarships until the AD says it’s okay. By then, the prospect has grown impatient and signed with someone else. This is not something that Coach Robinson told me. This is something that I know for a fact. I don’t even know Coach Robinson well enough to discuss anything with him, but I’m a track fan and I know what I see. Coach Robinson is a great coach, motivator, and role model. The athletes love him. He’s doing the absolute best with the minimal resources and support that he has received. Bill Hayes has done absolutely nothing to improve our Track Team or some of the other sports teams. You can’t expect Coach Robinson to sop syrup without a biscuit.
Bill Hayes must go.
If the AD is fired, FAMU would certainly have to pay the man the remaining years on his contract, which, of course, would add up to a mighty hefty sum. The cost of making a lump-sum payout, plus attorney fees, and related costs associated with the sure-to-come lawsuit is an amount James Ammons is not going to undertake in these perilous economic times. Plus, the man was hand-picked by Ammons, so I think we might be stuck with Hayes until his contract expires. I think the cost of keeping Hayes is certainly cheaper than getting rid of him. While I know as well as anyone that he oughts to be on the next flight to Kalamazoo, I'm afraid he's here to stay, at least until the 'tract runs its course. And while he doesn't know Jack -- or Jill, for that matter -- and is stuck in a time warp with matters relating to technological advances in athletics and matters of corporate exercise of that entity, he's going to be with us for a good minute now. Bottom line? It's just cheaper to keep the old coot. And pray, hope, and keep our fingers & toes crossed -- eyes, too, if that will help -- things get better.
ReplyDeleteDon't bad mouth Dr. Ammons. Dr. Ammons is doing a wonderful job. When Dr. Ammons came on board as FAMU's President, the university was in very bad shape. He had to prioritize things (probation, bad audits, etc). He & his leadership team worked very hard to get us off of probation and we recently received a clean financial audit. With that said, I think Dr. Ammons is doing a marvelous job. I'm sure that he thought Bill Hayes was the best person for the job under the circumstances. If he feels that we are headed in the wrong direction under Bill Hayes, then he will replace Bill Hayes. I think calling Dr. Ammons a crook is a low blow, is uncalled for, and we need to thank him for saving our university. I do agree that Bill Hayes needs to go.
ReplyDeleteI just want to see the marketing strategy. Maybe someone in Tally can spell that out for me.
ReplyDeleteThe Marketing strategy is the Romance weekend last weekend sponsored by the boosters and the summer cruise that is scheduled in July.
ReplyDelete9:48, No fence. That is not why attendance is low. Not why we don't know about volleyball and swimming meets. NOT why the website is half-worthy of bearing FAMU's name. Hubba 2:32! I couldn't have said it much better. I am also around a lot of high school track and football athletes and they really would like to attend A&M but they rarely hear from the school and they just end up elsewhere. I know scores of young student-athletes, many of them have gone on to professional careers and are certain, as am I, that they would have gotten there and would have been stronger overall had they been a FAMUan.
ReplyDeleteDitto 6:46 Hubba DOC!