Looking back at 100 years of jazz

big rattler
1 minute read

Yesterday, FAMU hosted a two-hour exploration into the 100-year history of jazz. The event featured – for the first time on the same stage – the finest talents from the jazz faculties of both FAMU and FSU, plus a 16-piece jazz orchestra made up of the best students from both schools.

The concert and lecture - “The Origin & Evolution of Jazz: A Tribute to the Evolution of America's Own Musical Art Form" - was organized by trumpeter Scotty Barnhart, a FAMU graduate who currently serves as an assistant professor of Jazz Studies at FSU's College of Music.

Throughout the presentation, each era of the music was carefully recreated to give the audience the most authentic representation possible.

Featured performers included: Lindsey Sarjeant, Bill Peterson, Leon Anderson, Bill Kennedy, Pam Laws, Rick Lollar, and Chris Murrell (from the Count Bassie Orchestra).

Proceeds will benefit the jazz studies programs at both FAMU and FSU.

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