Crist expected to enter U.S. Senate race today

big rattler
Gov. Charlie Crist will deliver a much-anticipated public statement about his future plans today. He is widely expected to announce his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by fellow Republican Mel Martinez after one term.

If Crist enters the race, he could face FAMU alumnus and Congressman Kendrick Meek in the 2010 general election. Meek is currently the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination.


Crist has confirmed that he is running for Florida's junior U.S. Senate seat.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has wasted no time in gearing up for the clash against the governor.


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  1. I wonder if this works out for Al Lawson to run for Governor. Who do we have to best the competition and bring Florida out its selfishly induced slump.

  2. FAMUANS should be very very sad! Crist was great for FAMU! Now our state/school is going to get another Jeb Bush in Rubio and we will be in trouble again.
    Famuans need to get involved in the election process and not just for Democrats and Blacks who run for office. We need REAL black people and not uncle toms like many who were in the Ganious/CVB circle to be involved in the Republican Party. Many of those who were in tho company of the before mentioned sell outs are sell outs themselves and are still on the campus of FAMU, and they will now be working over time to curry favor with their new master, what ever republican wins the office. FAMU does not exisit in a bubble and therefore, needs to have a voice outside of the "black community" and the democratic party.

  3. ^^^^
    Child Please! Charlie Crist has promised everything, but delivered nothing!

  4. ^^^^^^
    Spoken like a true Tom, well done girl/boy, well done!

    Please look at our BOT, and look at our Univeristy President. Do you think under a Bush cronnie we would have a BOT that actually gives a dang about FAMU? Do you think that we would have a TRUE(Not Perfect)RATTLER as our leader? The answer is no we would have another puppet uncle tom or sell out cvb leading us dwn the road to closure.

    Crist was the best thing for Blacks in the state of FL because God knows Al Lawson could not win a state wide height contest in FL, let alone become the Governor. Neither could any other Democrat for that matter. So, FAMU better be prepared for Bush Sh*t II: Lets Finish the Job rated R

  5. 11:35am,

    Your head is stuck so far up CC's ass you can't see the light of day. This Gov. is a spineless media hog who has absolutely no leadership ability, and fails to show up for the fight.

    The fact that he goes to an NAACP banquet or does photo ops with Blacks should not be mistaken as caring or leadership.

  6. And we knew this a long time before he ran. We were just scared to support Janet Reno. The Dems and the real citizens of Florida have been playin catch up since Gov. Martinez. This is our chance to get someone who is better for the future of Florida. And if wanker Rubio has a shot, so does Al. I do realize that this is Florida and minority advancement in the public arena is few and far between. But it is time. I mentioned Al because he's the top Democrat but there is DEFINITELY better and more realistic talent here in Florida.

  7. Can you say sham election. Sham leadership. Sham Governor. Sham Lt. Gov. Nothing against being "in love" but a real governor of the fourth largest state and one with financial issues seen years in the making, shouldn't have had time to court and marry. What a liberal idea, a bachelor governor lol. Get married before the "marriage salvation" scandal erupts here to deny others civil rights. Swift Repub bait and switch.

  8. Its sad to know Governor Crist is leaving...But really do Kendrick really think he has a good chance of running for senate against Governor crist

  9. Certainly, as FAMUans, we have a vested interest in who becomes governor of the state, but in all fairness, Charlie Crist is not a governor "for FAMU." He is a governor for the entire state of Florida, and even though we have much love for the university we must recognize that he is a governor, as he likes to say, "for all the people of Florida." I think he has done a rather decent job as a moderate Republican. To the poster who mentioned NAACP banquets and photo ops with black folks, surely an enlightened public has the wherewithal to make distinctions between such cursory appearances and solid work. We know for a fact that the previous governor did not have FAMU's interest at heart. At least the current governor engages a more moderate interest in the affairs of state employees -- not just FAMU employees -- more that Jeb Bush (and CVB) did or would ever dare to do. I, like the majority of posters here on this site, am a true Rattler. I earned two degrees from the institution, sent my daughter there, where she earned a math degree, and my brother and several relatives earned degrees from the university as well. I don't think Crist has ever had a true mission to destroy the university -- unlike JB. Now, I'm not Charlie Crist-loving fan here, mind you. But he has as least been more a "people's governor" than any of the others, excluding Lawton Chiles. So, 11:12 AM, I don't think that the man has "delivered nothing," as you claim. I just think that many of us so love the university and wish for its continued prosperity until "anything" Republican signals some sort of demise of our school. Now, the Republican party isn't all that excited about have Crist join them in Washington. He's seen as too liberal and too much aligned with the ideologies of the Democratic Party. If Crist wins, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I've been reading and studying Rubio for a long time, and I would rather have Crist than Rubio any day. (I'm a Democrat, by the way, for anyone who may doubt this, and I've been voting Democrat all my life.)

  10. 2:59 pm,

    After Jeb anyone was a BIG improvement ! Including the goof ball we ended up with. At least his milk toast ass isn't as mean spirited as Jeb was.

    But by no streach of the imagination has Gov. Crist been effective or provided any kind of leadership.

  11. He didn't want to shake things up too much because we've known for at least a year that he wanted to run for senate. He's not mean spirited but he knew he had this looming deficit when he ran for Governor. I would've traded eight years of Charlie and four of Jeb. I must be clear that I support nothing looking like bush reasoning, I don't care who they are. Marko Rubio lol has been running for office since the day he left the legislature. Been on NPR and all saying that people should have acute term limits and that folks should enter public service for a very short time only and then get on with their lives. Marko- take your own advice. You were only in the lime-light back then because unfortunately, Jeb was around. Thugs.

  12. 12:05/1:16pm

    LMAO! I support CC yes. I had the chance to meet him and speak with him and question him and unlike most AAmericans I spoke with tempered tounge and asked tough sound questions. And, like the snake that he is,because he is in the world of getting elected, he gave me political double talk.

    However, he said you know what lets continue this conversation. He introduced me to his mentor, we spoke, his door was open to a regular floridan and from that momment on I had a respect for him. Therefore, my summation of Gov.CC is based on personal dealings, not on my having my head up his posterior. Which, I am assuming would have killed us both.

    Get a real Dem to run for Gov. if you can find one or get some powerful FAMUANS who are still Black inside and out to support the shoe in Republican next Gov. or otherwise FAMU better watch out, the wolves smell blood!

  13. LOL We've know the script for a while. Lets act like it.

  14. I'm in my fifty's, generally old school and in state government. I would never support "Do Nothing Charlie" because he has already proven to be nothing more than a slick, ambitious politician who cares nothing genuine about this state or its citizens. Should we applaud him because he presented no anti-black initiative or because he wasn't afraid to mix with blacks. Why settle for so little?! Look at your quality of life. We still have runaway taxes, tax loopholes for the wealthiest who invest from within and outside of Florida, the underlying threat to institutions such as FAMU, a lack of revenue generated to cover government priorities, etc. Instead we have a governor with a fake tan and failed leadership, who has done absolutely nothing to make our situation better than when he entered office. As citizens we should demand more than we're getting from all our politicians and not get caught up in the pandering and slight of hand.

  15. Let us be honest for a moment here. Charlie Crist may not be an all-that governor, but he has been in office only three years. It's rather difficult to undo the great damage that Jeb Bush did over the course of eight years. Have we all forgotten what JB did (and/or did not do)? That man was ruthless, as we all know. It's sort of akin to President Obama trying to undo the astronomical damage that his predeccessor did over 8 years. It takes a minute. Florida's chief financial officer, Alex Sink, has just announced her intenttion to run for the seat. She might be a little better than Crist, but I won't count on it. With Jeb, his motive was power and authority. Charlie's is ambition. Sink? Well, I think she might have the good of the state in mind & heart, but I'm still not convinced. I'm casting my vote for Sink. With her, I think Floridians will either swim or Sink. Pun intended.

  16. Lawson is screwed...

    Actually, Jeb was great for FAMU....things didn't get bad for FAMU until the teachers raised a fuss about Gainious actually regularly speaking with the governor.....then you know the rest of the story....

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