Campus Rattlers eat over $50K of pizza per month

big rattler
Ever since FAMU brought Pizza Hut Express to its dining services lineup in 2003-2004, the restaurant has been a big success. Last year, its menu items brought in an average of just over $50,000 per month to the university.

KFC was the second best seller, with a total of about $50,000 even monthly.

Not to worry – FAMU students, faculty, and staffers liked healthier choices as well. The Rattler’s Nest, which serves fresh home-cooked meals, and The Deli, which offers made-to-order sandwiches, both made over $40,000 per month each.

Jazzman’s, the Sub Connection, Grill 155, and Food for Thought all sold $20,000 or less monthly.

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  1. The kids are hungry!

  2. Is that per month actually profit for the University? If so what are they doing with that money?

  3. Bring a McDonald's on campus and watch that number be doubled :)

  4. No McDonald's! I Like Magic Johnson's Place! Here is a Black man who invested nearly 1million in renovating the old Orange Room and actually serving quality food on campus! He doesn't talk about serving the Black community like he actually does it!

  5. Where are the health options? 50K spent per month at Pizza Hut is nothing to brag about

  6. @8:46

    And you can keep that on campus the whole point is to add options to the campus like all other universities offer. At the end of the day its about making more money for FAMU and there no doubt that McDonald's would do that. You rather they spend money at the McDonald's up the street and FAMU not get a piece of that?

  7. The numbers listed are monthly grosses, not net income. Auxiliary Services is a money-maker and the revenue is used for various needs across the university.

  8. And 8:29, we're not all that into McDonald's on campus either. We'd rather Chick -fil-A or Moe's or Baja Fresh. smh, McDonald's lol-we're fat enough. The only real reason they get play is because of their hours of operation.

  9. See we eat pizza like that because we can chip on a pizza. It's a good option for college budgets.

  10. The Chick-fil-A idea is a great one! They have lots of lean menu items and salads. The only problem is that we couldn't keep that restuarant open on Sunday.

  11. No to McDonald's! We need a whole foods market on campus. Make it a co-op like New Leaf Market(we are a land-grant school). I'm sure that will also bring a healthy grocery option for the students and the community. The corner store nutrition mentality has been killing us. Economic empowerment is in there as well as true healthy options. And no, save a lot and Winn DIXIE won't cut it. Never have never will.

  12. Move the bookstore and make that the new fresh market grocery. Put the bookstore in the parking structure if you have to. Or build the market across from the police dept for central proximity to the campus apartments and the dorms as well as the community. Let's talk real upgrades, Not SuperSizing MickeyD's meals.

  13. If FAMU creates a fresh market grocery, the "dry campus" rule should be lifted so that store can sell CESTA-made wine. I wouldn't mind drinking a few glasses of that along with some whole wheat crackers and CESTA goat cheese!


    There you go some knowledge for you. Chick-fil is No. 1 and No. 7 is McDonald's. Why all the hate towards McDonald's anyway? Last time I check you as a individual have to choose to super-size. You can eat Chick-fil all you want but the moment you add that large milkshake or double order of fries healthy went out the door...

  15. 2:50pm
    Who the heck are you a McDonald's paid spokesperson? Mcdonald's is trash! Hence 7, seven is a long way from number 1! No one in a race says, "hey I came in 7th lets have a victory party!" LOL! McDonald's is like the new Black Chruch, it robs our community blind and gives nuthing but fake, unhealthy, emptyness back. Come to think of it you may be Rev. RBH and the latest owner of a McDonald's! Get a Life!

    Great point and idea 11:36am

  16. Thanks 11:55, this is 11:36. I agree that the cesta wine and juicescould be sold there. Along with several other brands we can develop. No hate for Mickey D's, I grew up havung it as a treat. But it is no meal, and we can do better, 2:50. Hubba 5:09. I think we're on to something here! Along with the CLC royalty income, we may be creating some engines while making life better for Rattlers.

  17. More stuff like this RN? We can really be a place of progress to help round up resources and ideas for the betterment of FAMU.

  18. I agree with 9:27a.

    11:36a get real...please. Students want cheap and fast. Where will the average student, not including Palmetto North and South or Phase III, cook food from a Whole Food's Market?

  19. Everybody got ideas, but nooooobody has any $$$$


  20. The new Polkinghorne Village should include housing and a "mini plaza" leasing spaces to businesses that will conveniently serve the student residents. Like a late nite copy/printing center, restaurants (Chic Fila, coffee lounge, Moes), health foods market, a Wachovia campus banking center (it is the official univerity bank), a Radio Shack/Sprint/electronics store, a barber/beauty shop, arcade, etc.

    And make sure that the entire facility is eco/green friendly like reuseable power energy so that we could take advantage and finance some of the construction with federal dollars earmarked for green projects.

  21. 12:11 & 12:35, ADD to the conversation or go sit.

  22. 1:03, You're right on, I'm so glad you understand where I'm goin. Better decisions don't always require new money either. Let's get this done right.
    \\\Ahem... As for you 12:11 AM ***"I agree with 9:27a."
    "I" is the first thing you think of?
    #1-This isn't about you.

    "11:36a get real...please." Oh, #2-I'm real. You, add to the conversation. Please(.)
    "Students want cheap and fast."
    #3-OK, and..? This costs less than fast Mickey D's and pals. Surely you're not speaking for all students.
    "Where will the average student, not including Palmetto North and South or Phase III, cook food from a Whole Food's Market?
    #4-You exclude a lot/majority of the housing now and in the future. FAMUans can shop before leaving campus(easy) if they don't live near. Who mentioned cooking? If the dorms are renovated, the kitchens may be addressed. The dorms did have kitchens operational at one point. Besides, they'd have more REAL food options, not to mention a deli with prepared meals. Inexpensive, FAST, HEALTHY. Follow the $$$. We need student/university services and student life to be deliberately comprehensive and wholisticly enriching. They are a great avenue towards a greater FAMU.

  23. Hubba that!

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