Franklin, Hayes prepare for inauguration

big rattler
Gallop Franklin II and Calvin Hayes' inauguration as student body president and vice president, respectively, is scheduled for Thursday, September 3, at 6 p.m. in Lee Hall Auditorium. The SGA Inauguration Ball will follow from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom.

Franklin, a pharmacy student from Tallahassee, previously served as freshman and sophomore class president, a student senator, and a member of the FAMU men’s golf team.

Hayes, a public relations student from Orlando, served two terms as president of FAMU’s NAACP, represented the freshman and sophomore classes in the student senate, and wrote as a correspondent for The FAMUan.

The two have a variety of ambitious goals for this school year, including: subsidizing graduate and professional school standardized exam fees for students, creating student call center to solicit more alumni contributions, attracting more corporate sponsorships for the Marching 100, and establishing a campus wide mentor-mentee program for students in specific majors.

As a member of FAMU’s Board of Trustees, Franklin has become an outspoken voice for creative new policy ideas geared toward enhancing college affordability and creating additional revenue.

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  1. The lamest SGA administration ever !

  2. Let's give the Brothers an opportunity.

    F&H: Try to get students to focus on their education (get them to graduate) as education cost climbs and have Financial Education Seminars for students because FAMU has more students who default on students loans any other school in Florida.

    Do your best and don't worry about making everyone happy! Good Luck and God Bless!

  3. That includes you 12:27. I have high hope for this administration, but...

  4. Lame is an understatement!

  5. What's lame about them?

  6. 11:10 AM:

    I ask myself the same question...but I think I have a pretty good idea.

    -serious academicians with real and progressive intentions for the student body and overall university.

    They have 100% of my support in executing those plans.

  7. I'm sure that is not what lame means here. You have no idea that the students have had strong academic leaders in the past. I think the student body is worried that this one is gonna be effective at all. We'll see. Not all pharmacy students are serious academicians, and students know that intentions aren't worth much. SGA requires leadership first, then all of their ideas can have life through the students, not their money. For now the feeling is that of a lame duck administration, not necessarily lame people in the administration. My advice for F&H: Focus on the student and wear their shoes. The money is a distraction and is but a mere tool. The student body is diverse and it depends on you to make every effort in their name count.It's a big, tough post you've aquired, now earn it. You are a part of history. How will you chapter read?

  8. Lame = ineffective, clueless to the needs of students, and just plain disconnected from the student body in general.

    Lacks any kind of leadership ability.

  9. I tried to soften it, lol. And what are the red ties about?

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