Smith named interim AD

big rattler
Michael Smith (pictured on the left), a former FAMU football player and SBI alumnus, is taking the helm of FAMU’s athletic department as interim director.

Smith currently heads FAMU’s Business & Auxiliary Services Office. In that position, he supervises the University Bookstore, Copy Center, Dining Services, Meal Plan Program, Rattler Card, Post Office, Beverage and Snack Vending, Laundry Services, and AMEX Cards.

From 1981-1984, Smith wore the Orange and Green uniform as a wide receiver and kick returner under Coach Rudy Hubbard.

The first task Smith will need to accomplish as interim AD is to bring class back to the director’s position. Former AD Bill Hayes, who started work as Winston-Salem State University's AD on Jan.1, was known for his foul mouth and eagerness to pick fights with coaches doing the best they could with meager resources.

In addition to the morale problems, Smith inherits a multi-million dollar deficit that Hayes made even worse.

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  1. Anything is better than Hayes!

  2. Thank you 8:38 for that information. I agree with your statement.

  3. Obviously he's doing something right. Sometimes, felons are the only people that will accept janitoria jobs.

    Mike Smith is only interim.

  4. Mike Smith is an outstanding young man that will do a great job representing FAMU.

  5. 8:38, at a minimum, I'm happy to hear that you are not being considered for the job. Tacky...real tacky. Something I'm sure your family (and your kids, if you have any) would be real proud of.

    I wonder how you would feel if someone tried to put your personal info on blast?

  6. Best wishes to Michael Smith.

  7. Michael Smith is a great guy and superior administrator.

  8. He doesn't have the luster and is the BIG name that some of you want, but Mike would make a good permanent A.D. He's young, he's smart, he's steady, and superior admin.

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