Lawson: Boyd robbed on Oscar night

big rattler
Last week, many Americans were glued to their televisions to watch Hollywood stars such as Zoe Saldana (pictured) and Monique compete for Academy Awards.

Congressional candidate Al Lawson says his opponent, incumbent Allen Boyd, deserved an Oscar for “Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for his portrayal as a Democrat in Congress.”

“Blue Dog Allen Boyd is not a real Democrat,” Lawson said. “But he has played one in Congress for the past 14 years.”

According to Lawson, Boyd has taken some “extreme right-wing positions” while serving in Congress which include:

• Being the only “Democrat” to side with former U.S. President George W. Bush in his failed push to privatize Social Security.
• Voting against the stimulus bill that was needed to create jobs and turn around our failing economy.
• Taking $127,000 from the health care industry in the two months before the Health Care Reform vote and then voted NO.

The St. Petersburg Times’ The Buzz blog reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is still trying to woo Boyd’s vote to send the revamped health care reform act to Senate. President Barack Obama also recently invited Boyd to a private White House reception to ask him to support the bill.

While Boyd continues to defend his vote against the health care reform act, he touts his support for the Health Insurance Industry Fair Competition Act, which calls for a repeal of health insurance companies’ exemption from federal antitrust laws. If approved by Congress and signed into law by the president, the act would ensure that health insurers are no longer shielded from legal accountability for practices such as price fixing, dividing up territories among themselves, sabotaging their competitors in order to gain monopoly power, and other such anti-competitive activities.

Boyd says he backed the bill because it will increase competition in the health insurance market and reduce insurance costs for North Floridians.

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  1. So Lawson is determined to lose? On what planet is Lawson living on?

    He is hoping that running to the LEFT of Boyd in this political environment is going to work!!!

  2. What does that have to do with outing Boyd for what he really is? The message boys and girls, the message.

  3. Boyd never met a Washington special interest group he didn't like, especially Big Pharma !

  4. Hubba 7:44! They always want to argue process. Nevermind the point.

  5. Two things Al has done wrong. This is from a arctile that was written"In 1973, Askew appointed Mrs. Wimbish to the deputy secretary of commerce, where she was the second-highest-ranking woman in state government. Mrs. Wimbish lost bids for a state representative seat in 1982 to Alfred Lawson, a black candidate who accused Mrs. Wimbish of being "overeducated," and for Congress against C. W. Bill Young in 1988 Mrs. Wimbush was a FAMU grad." Also he gave us Eugene Harris bad choices.

  6. 8:41 If those are Lawson's bac choices........I could live live with it.

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