Two FAMU students win trip to World Cup

big rattler
FAMU students Justin Smith and Alisa Routh will experience the culture and adventure of the world’s biggest sporting event, the FIFA World Cup courtesy of Coca-Cola. The two will travel across the globe to South Africa on June 25.

Smith, 20, a junior mathematics major, and Routh, 20, a junior public relations major, are the winners of the Coca-Cola “Open Happiness Tour,” a video contest that sought creative and inspirational answers to the question: How does the Coca-Cola RAIN program inspire you?

Smith and Routh will join 19 other student winners from 12 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). They will spend five days soaking up the South African culture and learning more about Africa’s water crisis. During their visit, the students will meet with executives from Coca-Cola South Africa, who will share what the Company is doing in support of the RAIN project as well as learn about other initiatives throughout Africa, including HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention, access to education, job creation and humanitarian assistance.

In addition, the students will learn first-hand of the extreme need for potable water when they visit a local orphanage whose water system is in dire need of repair. The company will make a donation to assist with the repairs of the water system and, once the project is completed, the orphanage will have clean running water for cooking, bathing and other necessities.

The students also will have the opportunity to explore more facets of South African culture when they take a trip to the Nelson Mandela National Museum, go on a Safari and attend a FIFA World Cup match. The students will get another perk during their time in South Africa – meeting with actor Idris Elba, whose father is from Sierra Leone and mother is from Ghana. Elba will spend time with the students throughout the trip, discussing water stewardship and its importance to Africa and his passion for the World Cup, as well as providing his unique perspective on the local culture.

“I look forward to sharing my love for Africa with the students,” said Elba. “Through experiencing Africa’s rich history and the wonderful diversity of its culture, the students will be amazed and enriched. I hope they grow to love Africa as much as I do.”

Elba is best known for his roles in HBO’s series The Wire, Tyler Perry’s Daddy’s Little Girls and Ridley Scott’s award-winning film American Gangster.

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