Holmes resigns as DRS superintendent

big rattler
Rattler Nation has learned that Ronald Holmes has tendered his resignation as superintendent of the FAMU Developmental Research School (DRS). Retired educational administrator and FAMU alumnus W.E. “Bill” Johnson will replace him on an interim basis.

FAMU President James H. Ammons had until June 30th to decide whether or not to renew Holmes’ three year contract. During a Board of Trustees meeting earlier this month, Ammons said he wanted to evaluate DRS’ performance on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) before making a decision.

FCAT student scores were released to schools yesterday. The Florida Department of Education has not completed the process of calculating school-wide grades, yet. The DRS school grade dropped from a “C” in 2008 to a “D” in 2009 after Holmes’ first year.

Holmes’ appointment in 2007 was met with skepticism and anger throughout Rattler Country. Many FAMUans suspected that Trustee R.B. Holmes played a big role in getting his brother hired. There was no doubt that as one of the seven critical votes that James Ammons needed to become FAMU’s president, Holmes had the power to twist Ammons’ arm and make personal demands during the selection process.

Ronald Holmes had no experience as a principal or superintendent of any K-12 school.

Morale plummeted under Holmes’ reign at DRS. Faculty members struggled within an atmosphere of fear following a series of highly publicized scares concerning their employment. Holmes’ failure to recruit enough students to satisfy the demands of the 2009-2010 year’s budget threatened many teachers’ jobs.

On January 29, 2010, the FAMU BOT voted to use $425,802 from the FAMU DRS Trust Fund to cover projected deficits at the school.

Shortly after R.B. Holmes threw his support behind Bill Jennings’ 2009 reelection bid for the BOT chairmanship, word spread on campus that there was an understanding that Holmes’ brother would not be summoned before the BOT to answer tough questions about what he had done to DRS.

After last summer’s chairmanship election, Jennings did not ask the administration to bring Ronald Holmes before the board to talk about DRS. Most other FAMU trustees followed his example by keeping their mouths shut about the school.

Student Body President Gallop Franklin ended up being the only trustee who had enough backbone to stand up to Holmes and Jennings and ask public questions about Holmes’ contract.

W.E. Johnson, Holmes’ interim replacement, received his B.S. in political science and M.S. in guidance and administration from FAMU. He served as principal of Bond Elementary from 1981 to 1989, principal of Oak Ridge Elementary from 1989 to 1997, and Leon County’s assistant superintendent for school management services from 1997 to 2003. He is C.E.O. of Educational Consultants of North Florida and recently served as interim director of Florida State University Schools.

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  1. GREAT! Shouldn't have waited until scores came out though. The damage was already evident without the scores. Don't care if he was asked to leave or left on his own, just happy that he is leaving. Now, what about Rivers and Peters? How long before they "do the right thing" and leave too?

  2. Best of luck to you Dr. Holmes.

    Maybe you'll land a gig with Bethel Christian Academy or Steele-Collins Charter School!

  3. How was Johnson chosen? (especially if Holmes "just" resigned after the scores were released yesterday) Will he be one of those people they get to hold an "interim" position for years? in a position they never advertise?

  4. Of course Holmes will land on his feet. Big Bro will make sure of that.

  5. Thanks for your service Dr. Holmes.I remember Mr. Johnson as my principal at Bond. I remember this much, he didn't play the radio.

  6. What were the scores?

  7. Dr. Holmes, I wish you success and I hope you have learned from this experience. Now, like 12:59 said...being that Rivers was the actual "bad guy" running the show...what are they gonna do about her. Mrs. Peters I haven't heard much about, but I can certainly vouch that Mrs. Rivers was the behind the scenes damage-maker. She MUST GO ASAP!!

  8. Finally, glad he's gone and Rivers you are Next. She has done NOTHING for the school, just comes to work and draws a salary, no personality; she doesn’t know how to communicate with the kids nor parents. She was truly the evil one behind the scene make poor decisions and making Holmes look worst.

    He was plenty bad without her help but she drove in a few nails herself. The dummy Rivers may have thought she would get his Job, but NOT. Get Out Rivers!!!

    Ms. Peters tried to be helpfully, I think with Holmes and Rivers Gone maybe Peters can continue to lead K-5 in the right direction.. :-)

  9. I am sad to read all the hateful comments on this blog, no one is thinking about how this is going to impact the students, faculty, and staff. This school is having to go through yet another change. My prayer is that the FAMU DRs family can bounce back from this. The school has so much potential to be great. I wonder if any of you that are speaking so negatively have ever taken the time to come out and see the wonderful things that are going on at the DRS. Get involved and support.

  10. To 4:35; don't be sad the kids deserve Better. And yes i am at FAMU High All the time my child goes there and I support the kids not the past superintendent or the High school administrator.... Do you have a child a FAMU High (drs)???

  11. The staff, faculty and students are jumping for joy that he is gone as everybody knew he shouldn't have ever been there in the first place.

  12. To 4:42 I volunteer (and I have a child at FAMU DRS) at FAMU DRS all the time and I can count on both my hands how many of you parents come out and support the faculty and students during PTA and SAC meetings. Where was your support when we needed it the most? Where were you when we held fundraisers? And another thing how about the people who have not and will not or refuse to pay activity fees (which only occurs once a year). Thank you for adding onto the $80,000 deficit at FAMU DRS, thank you we appreciate that one! Look, now is the time we need to come together and support our faculty and staff and stop bashing our black administrators, this is just what "they" want us to do. FAMU DRS showed tremendous gains on the Florida Comprehension Assessment Test (FCAT), this illustrates that our faculty, staff and administrators were working for the betterment of OUR students. LET'S BRING PEACE TO THIS SITUATION, SO OUR LEGACY AS STRIKING FAMU RATTLERS CAN LIVE ON!!!

  13. @4:48 18??

  14. To 6:00, clearly I don't know who you are and you really have no idea who I am 4:42pm. I am at most SAC meetings and some PTA meetings, fundraisers yes I donate money and my time all the time if you were there you may has sat next to me.

    Paying tuition no I didn't have to, can you say very good grades and very good test scores?? Academic scholar, now that you have a better idea of who I am, the past super. needed to GO. And yes I know exactly what you mean by "they" want us to put down our black admin and faculty, however if you are bad and wrong for FAMU High not (DRS) then LEAVE, MZ RIVERS.. $80,000 deficit under whose watch? Holmes GONE thank you BOT. If parents aren't paying send the child home little Johnny or Keisha can go to Leon co schools for free. As far as FCAT gains yes, tremendous No. That would mean we should have an A or B and after what I saw hopefully we will make a C grade. That is not good, we should demand better than a C or D.

    At the end you want us to come together, please! We will come together when our kids get the best and only then will we be satisfied. We ARE THE BABY RATTLERS and everything started with us in 1887 not the University, check with the black archives... :-)

  15. I don't know who wrote that about Peters, but she's just as bad, if not worse, than Rivers! The BOTH need to go. I agree that it is sad that there are so many negative comments, but guess what, they (Holmes, Rivers, and Peters) made it that way. The school may be able to bounce back, or at least have a chance to bounce back, if they get rid of Peters and Rivers too. Peters has at least one person fooled (3:10 PM) if they really think she's not as bad or worse than Rivers. Rivers AND Peters need to go too! BEFORE school starts so that we can start fresh!

  16. Hmmm, things get emotional when so much is at stake, but it is warranted because our children's lives and futures are at stake. 4:35, I hate to say it, but the so called negative comments are just people voicing their opinions and frustrations. It shouldn't be a shock. This is nothing we - students, parents, faculty, and staff - have not said before and heard before. Do you really think students, parents, faculty, and staff are not adding to these comments? I am DRS faculty and I agree that we need support, but that does not mean asking people to blindly support something that is wrong. I agree that we just need a fresh start and then maybe the DRS family can begin healing. I pray for the students, parents, faculty, staff, and even the administration too. I pray that you can be honest with others and with yourself and see that the school needs a fresh start.

  17. If you're interested in finding the FCAT scores, they are at the Florida Department of Education site fldoe.org under FCAT Scores Released. And a C? Someone really is praying from the scores I saw.

  18. 1) Get Peters and Rivers out NOW.
    2) Get a transition team in place with veteran teachers who aren't kiss ups and yes people because we need real people now who are more interested in the students and the school than kissing up to move up or stay where they are.
    3) MOVE ON.
    4) Advertise for Superintendent/Director position.
    Now we can put the Director back in the title that Holmes took it upon himself to take out.
    5)Advertise for Principal positions. Now you can actually advertise for and hire certified people and call them principals instead of administrators, I mean, if they have the sense to go ahead and resign Peters and Rivers. Holmes was a nobrainer, so they didn't need sense to get rid of him, just guts finally.

  19. It's good to see this issue is important enough to have almost 20 comments already. Hopefully there will be many more to come!

  20. Fresh Start sounds good.. Please leave Mrs. Turner\Rivers, Ms Peters, Mr. Moore and take Walker with you... :-)

  21. Please don't leave Dr. Peterson, you are like a breath of Fresh air!!

  22. This is what is on the famudrs web site for: turner\rivers huh lies all lies..

    " Secondary School

    Mrs. Angelia Rivers

    Angelia Rivers is the administrator for secondary education and special programs. She has 18 years of educational experience a proven record of helping low performing schools meet state requirements. Mrs. Rivers served as Chief, Bureau of School Improvement for the Florida Department of Education (DOE), Special Projects Director for the Bureau of School Improvement with DOE, and a School Improvement Facilitator for DOE. Mrs. Rivers has a valid Florida certificate and a wide variety of successful school-based experiences working in various educational settings."

  23. Maybe now that the FCAT scores have been published ~ should the teachers that were actually making progress with the students in the past be brought back ?

  24. A fresh start is always good. A total evaluation should be done from the front door to the back door. No more hooking up your family members and friends. In order to look out for our children (parent of several DRS students) we must set standards and make all march to the same beat. I attend SAC meetings, PTA and school board meetings and this new developlment comes as no surprise to the parents, students and supporters of DRS. Perhaps if "Big Brother" will stay in his lane and lead Bethel the DRS will be better for all stakeholders. The current leadership team must have input from parents and students to truly make this OUR school. It is my desire to see all highly qualified faculty and staff at the DRS and bring the school back to the high achievement level that it held in the past. I am a graduate of FAMU High, my siblings as well as my mother and my inlaws. We are committed to seeing the DRS function the way that it should, producing great scholars and leaders.

  25. 8:26 AM, did you really call MS. Peters "DR. Peterson"? And did you REALLY say that she was a breath of fresh air? First, you must have been in the depths of some retchedly foul swamp to think that Ms. Peters is a fresh of breath air. Second, Ms. Peters is in no way a Dr. She barely has her certification and even how she got that is a question mark. You must be one of the two people she was actually cordial to or helped in some way.
    Now 8:24 AM, you have some great ideas! And you even got the names right!

  26. So much bitterness, belittling and throwing people under the bus anonymously. That truly shows great character and integrity. Hopefully, the masses are just as willing to put some energy into improving the situation and working for the betterment of the future of our children.

  27. 7/04/2010 4:02 PM
    I do not think people are bitter, belittling or throwing people under the bus with anonymous printed comments. What I do believe is they are shocked, as I am, at the level of cronyism, nepotism, and foolishness that parades at FAMU as management. We will never progress until it ends.

  28. @8:39pm No to Dr. Peters but Yes to Dr. Peterson, you see the spelling?? Dr. Peterson is the new Guidance counselor. So yes she has her PhD.. Hopefully she will stay....

  29. Ok, I guess because "Peters" and "Peterson" are so similar in spelling I took it the wrong way. Thank you for the clarification. As far as Dr. Peterson goes, I have no agree in giving her a chance. To be honest, she hasn't been there long enough to say whether or not she is as bad as the rest of the administration or not, but I'm hopeful that she proves to be an asset to the students, faculty, parents, and school. Peters and Rivers need to GO! If Ammons wants to keep them, he can find a position on his staff since it grows every month anyway. I wouldn't say put them over in the College of Education though. They have enough problems with Holmes going over there. Ammons needs to stop wasting time and get them out of there so that some qualified people can get in those positions.

  30. Noone is being thrown under the bus, they jumped out there. Our energy in getting them out of there is proof that we are dedicated to helping the situation. Getting Peters and Rivers out of there is the best possible thing for the school. They know it and so does everyone else.

  31. I agree with 10:41pm. Get Out!!!

  32. I agree! Get out Rivers/Turner and Peters!

  33. Isn't DRS a lab school? Isn't it connected to the College of Education? Shouldn't the students be exposed to the most effective instructional strategies?

    Unfortunately, the mission of DRS seems to conflict with the needs of the students. In the past, our black institutions have prided themselves on "taking students where they are to where they need to be."

    If you want effective teaching and top notch administrators, pay competitive salaries.

    The old Learning Resource Development Program under Dr. S. Wooten in the late 1990's had an effective curricula format for students who required non-traditional academic support. Rep. Kendrick Meeks speaks highly of how that program benefitted him. The Black Male Explorers is another effective program for our students. Surely, we can utilize strategies from these programs to help DRS.

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