VPSA applicant pool has familiar faces

big rattler
About 63 men and women have applied for FAMU’s open vice-president of student affairs position (VPSA). The applicant pool has several names that are well known throughout Rattler Country.

One is Henry L. Kirby, dean of students and associate vice-president for student affairs.

Kirby has spent 30 years at FAMU. He received his B.S. in political science from FAMU and went on to earn his J.D. from the Florida State University College of Law in 1978. He was sworn in as member of the Florida Bar in 1979 and remains an active member of the Florida Bar.

In 1978 he served as a research associate in the Office of the General Counsel at FAMU. From 1979 to 1989, he served as the associate general counsel for FAMU. Kirby was appointed dean of students at FAMU in 1989 and in 1991 he was promoted to assistant vice president for student affairs and dean of students.

Kirby is the brother of John M. Kirby, who directs Parking Administrative Services.

Edward M. Willis is another associate vice-president for student affairs who is seeking the top post.

He came to FAMU in 2008 from Owens Community College in Toledo, Ohio, where he was special assistant to the president for Community Outreach and Engagement. He has also worked at the University of Michigan; the University of Missouri – Columbia; Rutgers University; St. John’s University; North Carolina A&T State University; and the University of Toledo.

Willis received his bachelor’s degree in American history from Montclair State University, the masters of education from Rutgers University, and has completed work toward a Ph.D. at the University of Toledo. He is married to Carla Willis, vice-president for university relations.

A. Delories Sloan, a FAMU alumna who served as VPSA during part of former President Frederick S. Humphries’ administration, has reapplied for her former job.

Sloan resigned from her position in 2002 after her brother Fred Gainous became University President. Sloan didn't want to create a conflict-of-interest by having her brother supervise her. She went to work for Florida State University where she serves as executive director of special projects in the student affairs division.

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  1. Where is the rest of the list?

  2. Good luck to all of the applicants.

  3. I like what I am hearing. I have seen some really good traits in Willis, and everyone on the campus knows Kirby's committment to students.

    I hope that perhaps a student development expert might emerge from within the pool. Someone who can build strength of character in the student population through administrative policy, student programming, and volunteer/ civic initiatives as part of curricula. Let's move forward FAMU in the area of Student Affairs with a focus on Student Development and showing other HBCUs how to build strong Alumni from the day they set foot on campus as freshmen.

  4. If i had to rank it like a boxing match, Kirby is a real heavy weight when it comes to Student Affiars. He is definitely committed to the students and the university.

  5. Yes, Rattler Record, the Volunteer Fair, the over 160 small clubs and organizations in student activities, the plethora of activites and functions in student life and res life, campus rec, sga, counseling and health services are just a mere glimpse into the wonderful world of us student affairs professionals who deal,work and teach "life" long lessons to our students. Student Affairs is already moving forward the rest needs to catch jup with us.

  6. Student Affairs is a real profession and there are academically trained personnel in the field that would enhance the the developmental programming in SA. HBCU's are notorious for using student affairs as a dumbing ground for anyone who doesn't want to or can't get a job in the field in which they were academically trained to work. As an institution of higher education FAMU should be modeling the what we are selling to students. The message should be that you obtain a degree in a specific to demonstrate your knowledge and competence to work in and add value to the profession. Student Affairs is a "professional" field, which means that you can only obtain graduate (MS or PhD) degrees in the field. Upon completion of the degree candidates are deemed qualified for management and/or leadership positions in the field.

    Much like the current climate in America, it is time for a new and fresh direction in SA at FAMU. For 25 or more some have had the opportunity to make meaningful advancements in SA at FAMU, and when you think of their most recent demonstration of leadership -you will recall a threat to students ability to exercise their "Right to Free Speech" and their journalist right to speak about these on the airways. I would hope that the President would not go so far to advance "a hookup" appointment again, AVP was too much to begin with. Trust me Rattlernation is only going to take so much.

  7. Yes, please print the rest of the list. Of the three mentioned only one demonstrates appropriate integrity. How come no one is discussing the conflict of interest between the willis and Kirby family. do we want two Vice Presidents of the university to be of the same family, husband and wife at that. That is unheard of in any type of institution except for a family run company which family is not. Can we really expect objectivity if you have to say no to each other?

    Furthermore, there is also a conflict of interest between the two Kirby brothers. John will be a direct report to his brother, or if not a direct report working under his brother's chain of command.

    People are already disgusted with the Holmes brother connetion. The two aformentioned are even worse. Although Rev. Holmes is on the Board, he is not a paid employee and indirectly may impact his brother, who has several reporting layers that are not directly linked to his brother. If we are upset about that fiasco, we should be upset about the husband-wife VP team and the dynamic duo brother onbination. I SAY NO WAY, JOSE!!!!!!

  8. Sorry for the various mistakes. Hopefully you feel my passion about this subjet. Be outraged FAMUans. I understand some may feel these people are competent, but someone will need to leave the university to make this work.

    Too much is at stake!!!!

  9. Nepotism? That's business as usual at FAMU.


  11. Hello NO to Dean Kirby!!! Ask any student who ever served in SGA....Hell no to Dean Kirby!!!

  12. 3:11,

    You need to understand, the VPSA isn't there to be buddy buddy with SGA officials!

  13. Dean Kirby is the person who always ensured SGA leaders and members never got in trouble. even if that means he has to say NO at times. He doesn't mind saying NO if he knows that his students will be making a big, bad mistake. He uses tough love at times but he still loves them. You can see it. SO GO AHEAD AND ASK SGA about Dean Kirby. You will be suprised and bolded over with the respect and love that he enjoys there. He is a father and grandfather figure among sga members. SO GO AHEAD AND ASK THEM. Obviously, he apparently said NO to the writer and kept him or her out of trouble despite the writer's intentions to do otherwise. Wake up and do not fall for lies against the MAN.

  14. Sounds likes Kiante to me. Shame, Shame. If we have to expose you, we will.

  15. If you ran a check of all employees who have relatives at FAM it would start at the very TOP of the leadership and go to the very bottom. Wake up people, there are only 5 major employers in this city: the state, FSU, TMH, FAMU and the city. Are employees relatives to go to another city or state to get employed? No

  16. A. Delories Sloan is my aunt and she is happily retired. She did NOT reapply for that position and I'm not sure how that word got spread, but it's not true.

  17. Since this is a sunshine state, who are the other candidates on the list? Apparently, A. Delores Sloan is not a candidate as her neice indicated. when we been lead to believe that. Do we need to call the Tallahassee Democrat to get a listing. Why is administration not releasing the list?

  18. Don't forget the county as one of those few major employers. With Tallahassee being such a small city, are you really suprised that many relatives work at the same job site. Just be grateful that we at least have those fewe major employers. Anonymous, for all we know, you may have relatives employed at your same job site. BE REAL. Tallahassee is too small a city with few too employers to even suggest that family members can't work at the same job site. GET REAL and be glad that you have a job. Your "Conflict of Interest" is in your thinking.

  19. Well the two Kirby brothers are definitely the most fair and straight by the book people I know! Good Luck to you Dean Kirby. Unlike many others on this campus, I can certainly vouch for your dedication, commitment, leadership and concern for the student first, which is the number one priority! Some people forget WE are the reason they have jobs on this campous, but you best believe WE THE STUDENTS are gonna start making more noise...so brace yourselves to the FAMU employees that's got it all twisted! Students at other colleges wouldn't dare take the crap that WE are being dealt! Thank you, thank you, thank you Dean Kirby for standing up for us and for being that father figure for many of us that are away from home!!!!

  20. 8:24 AM and 9:55 AM,
    Of course, we should expect relatives to work at the same organization. However, relatives' serving as top executives / administrators at the same university does seem to be a conflict of interest. FAMU (and all colleges) should try to be as diverse as possible among administrators in terms of ideas, educational backgrounds, and experiences. Such diversity often encourages independent and objective thought, not to mention innovation. Hiring relatives won't help achieve that.

  21. Amen to that 9:55 PM. If the relatives are conspiring and not doing their jobs, then yes there is legitimate concern. If they are getting the job done...then WHO CARES!!! You might as well start straight from Legislature if that's the case...Anyway, moving right along!

    Where is the rest of the list because so far it's Dean Kirby hands down!

  22. Dean Kirby has been a strong advocate for students voicing their opinions but also following proper procedures so that people can't use "not following the procedures" as an excuse to not hear us as students. He is one of the few administrators that physically join students on numerous marches to the Capitol and other places to voice their opinions whether he personally or officially agrees with them or not. He accompany us out of his fatherly concern so that we follow the rules in order to have a safe march and that even when marching and protesting that we are still representing FAMU in a postive, not negative light. He does not want the message to get lost, if we, his grown student children, forget to be respectful during our marches. The media will pick up on the bad stuff and not report the good stuff. Dean Kirby from what I have been told and seen on a regular basis, is a champion of student rights but he also wants the students representing FAMU in the best light as possible. Like I said earlier Dean Kirby is one of the few administrators that will go with the students to ensure their safe passage. Its also one of the reasons that he literally travels with the students at large on bus trips. He not only loves the students but he cares about their safety and will travel with them to ensure that the have a safe but enjoyable trip. Daddy or grandfather, that he is because he treats us like our parents do or should. The earlier writer, was correct, Dean Kirby gives tough love, and love us he does. A real champion of the students.

  23. 10:36 AM, if "WE THE STUDENTS" want to make some noise, take your lazy behinds to Convocations for a change. Right now, I consider most of FAMU's students apathetic or irrelevant. You show up by the thousands for one of those no good Rap Concerts, Fashion Shows, Comedy Shows or to pick up a net check. If you want to improve your standing, do something constructive for a change.

  24. 7/08/2010 12:47 PM Right now, I consider most of FAMU's students apathetic or irrelevant.

    You sound just like many of the employees working on this campus! I/WE consider most of FAMU's EMPLOYEES irrevelent and out of touch!! You sit around thinking the students owe you something...many of you just sit in your offices holding up space or trying to see how you can get to the next level/big raises instead of trying to move the university to the 21st Century...once YOU figure how to improve the outdated Financial System, On-line Registration to compete with other major universities, online classes, walking all over the campus from person to person just for one frickin solution, better housing solutions, outdated graduation applications and the LIST GOES ON AND ON HONEY, then YOU have reserved the right to come at me or any other student that pays your salary! Many of us value education and can probably do YOUR job better than YOU can!! Otherwise, I will continue to go to whatever function my student activities fees pay for!! Until then...go tell it on the mountain or somewhere! YOUR STATEMENT WAS IRREVELANT WHEN YOU SAID "MOST STUDENTS!!"

  25. the last two comments, what are you talking about. seem to have gotten off track. can we agree that students have the rigtht to decide what activities or events they want or do not want to attend. the right to be active or not. so be it. students are students.

  26. Hope Dean Kirby gets it!

  27. I wanna see the rest of the list too...just curious to know.

  28. I certainly hope Kirby gets it too. I have observed him over these many years and know that he is well rspected across this campus. Besides his strong student affairs experiennce, he is one of the most leveled headed, decent and pleasant person that I know. He is fair in his dealings. He is also a team player. He always support his boss and never backs away from that support and loyalty, and he has had numerous bosses over the years but he always supported them to the fullest. He always want the university to be viewed in the best possible manner. He is that one of a kind experienced administrator who has a true knack to get things done. If he says that it will get done, believe it. It will get done and you can count on him rolling up his sleeves along with the rest of staff to get it done. I've seen it happen on so many occasions. His staff members will go the distance for him to accomplish a task. They believe in him because of the person that he is. And, yes he loves the students and I have seen him personally go into his pockets to help students who needed to eat or buy a
    book, knowing full well that that he will never be repaid. That's the kind of man that he is.

  29. yep, that's the same dean kirby that i know as well. he's a good person.

  30. It would be really nice to see the entire list. Rattlernation, show us your stuff and produce the list.

    As a faculy member, I have had a very different experience working with the current list of applicants. To be nice I'll simply say my experience with the majority of the current SA staff has been challenging and unpleasant.
    I wish there was a nomination process that would allow faculty to submit a written nomination for candidates for this and other key SA positions. SA is such a critical component to the collegiate experience and should complement academic affairs. I am aware of individuals on campus that are capable of this leadership based on my experience working with them. It would be nice to be able to share our experience with a search committee or administration.

    Because such a venue has not been provided, if RN could produce the list perhaps we could share insight on this blog instead.

  31. Can a wife sit across the table or a husband across the table and vote for budget cuts that may impact one or the other's job? Can one feel comfortable witholding information that could impact employees in the other's domain?

    I recognize that Tallahassee is a small toen; however, having a husband wife VP team is disastrous.

    In regards to the Kirby brothers, John if he is not a direct report or part of his brother's chain of command could potentially stay. However, if he needs to be moeved to some other part of the university that does not report into student affairs that would be the ideal scenario.

  32. what we really need is a list of the other candidates as been said before. its strange that the search committee has reportedly met and we do not know all the members of the committee and the list of candidates. ammons needs to fix that immediately. secrecy will be his downfall if he doesn't be careful. dean kirby's brother does not report to him. he reports to chief ross. but if the chain of commnand needs to change if dean kirby is selected, believe me dean kirby would do it in a heart beat. the man is honorable. Neither he nor his brother will ever play a family cards. They are by the book.

  33. well, maybe if they don't share the list of candidates and the names of the search committee names soon, we will have to wait till the next BOT meeting and see if the BOT can make them share this top secret information. All we know is an iterim vp is charing the committee which is strange and wrong any way you look at it. I agree with the other comments regarding that subject. Smells real stinky to me. It's a shame that this process can't be more transparent. Maybe its true that number 2 in charge is calling the shots on this matter. I can't believe the president can deep down agree with this secrecy and control of information. I guess that tall skinny short haired lady who everyone says is the true power is actually running the show. Too bad, because I love FAMU and hate to see decent and competent people messed over for friendship and backroom promises.

  34. yeah, but lets at least give the president a few days out of respect to publish the list. If not, we"ll see what the Board members have to say about this secret list and how this process is dragging alone. Lets pray that the president will do whats right for the university and not whats right for his friends. Peace!!!

  35. I agree with giving the president a chance to make things right. He is entitled to making an error in judgement. I think he really thought the reaction to this matter would not be soo bad, but it is. But lets give him a chance. So lets see what happens.

  36. Still wondering about the whole last two paragraphs in this article. My relative was baffled as to why this was said and so is the rest of the family. If there's one thing she knows, it's not to come out of retirement to go back to work at FAMU (are you serious?). I would be leery of this whole article and not believe anything until we see an official listing.

  37. We need to see the candidates list and the search committee membership list. If kirby is on the list, that would be great. He is experienced, well respected and can make tough but fair decisions if necesssary. But the writer is entirely correct, we need to see the whole list. If the university administration will not share it, maybe the Board will share it.

  38. yes, where is the candidates list?
    We are in america right? I'm really suprised that the list has not been published. Is there an hidden agenda?

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