FAMU seeking $9M for electrical, tech upgrades

big rattler
1 minute read
The top item on FAMU’s 2011-2012 legislative facilities funding request is, once again, money for electrical and technology upgrades. FAMU needs $9M for the ongoing project.

According to the FAMU Capital Improvement Plan:

“The purpose of this project is to improve the electrical utility systems and technology infrastructure throughout campus. The reliability of primary electrical distribution systems needs to be improved on the main campus. These improvements include the upgrade of oil switches, replacement of oil transformers and replacement or addition of air break switches. This will also complete a short circuit analysis/coordination study of primary circuits that serves the campus. Included is the conversion of antiquated 5KV primary circuits to new, more reliable system standard 12.47KV sources.”

FAMU will seek the dollars from the Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) funds. PECO money comes from utility taxes and is the biggest source of construction funding for the State University System.

FAMU’s top PECO priority for 2010-2011 was $8M for electrical and technology upgrades. FAMU officials warned that without the money, critical building code and safety improvements would be stalled.

The legislature appropriated $7M of the $8M that FAMU needed for 2010-2011. FAMU originally planned to ask for just $8M for campus upgrades in 2011-2012, but tacked on an extra $1M to make up for the money it did not receive last year.

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