FAMU reviewing new VPSA applications

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU is reviewing new applications for the position of vice-president of student affairs. Last year, about 80 individuals applied for the job.

In October 2010, the university announced that it had selected three finalists for campus interviews. They were: Timothy Beard, vice president of student development and enrollment at Pasco Community College; Henry Kirby, FAMU dean of students and associate vice-president for student affairs; and Cherese Peters, associate vice president of enrollment services at Georgia State University.

A recent alumni newsletter from the university president’s office stated that the search had been reopened with an application deadline of January 31, 2011.

Luther Wells, chair of the Department of Visual Arts, Humanities and Theatre, is serving as the chairman of the search committee.

CORRECTION: On July 7, 2010, Rattler Nation reported that A. Delories Sloan, a FAMU alumna who served as VPSA during part of former President Frederick S. Humphries’ administration, had reapplied for her former job. That information was incorrect. Sloan was mistaken for Delores Dean, director of the FAMU Career Center.

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