Trustees rebuff Jennings, elect Badger chairman

big rattler

FAMU trustees used today’s chairmanship election to send a clear message that the majority of the board wants to leave Bill Jennings and the legacy he represents in the past. The election of Solomon L. Badger, III as the new chairman put an end to the threat of Jennings remaining in charge behind-the-scenes.

It became apparent shortly before the Board of Trustees meeting that Jennings’s close ally Richard A. Dent, III did not have enough support to be a competitive candidate for the top job despite the fact that he was vice-chairman.

Trustees still let Dent and Jennings save face. Dent was permitted to hang on to the vice-chairmanship. Jennings was given a long congratulatory resolution that omitted his past role in protecting individuals such as Ronald Holmes and Castell V. Bryant.

Prior to his election as chairman, Badger led the board’s academic affairs committee. He is currently retired from a 36-year career in higher education that included appointments as a community college counselor, campus dean of student affairs, and district dean of student affairs. Badger is a two-time FAMU graduate, having earned bachelor's and master's degrees from FAMU in 1963 and 1969, respectively. He is also an Air Force veteran.

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  1. Good for him! He actually seems like a good guy. Took courage for the board to go against jennings and dent tag team.

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