Search committee for new band director ready for first meeting

big rattler
The FAMU search committee for director of marching and pep bands is scheduled to hold its first organizational meeting on September 6 at 4 p.m. in the Foote-Hilyer Administration Building, Room 301.

The committee, which has a goal of completing its work by the end of the fall semester, is chaired by Rodner Wright, interim provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.  

“I am looking forward to meeting with members of this committee to map our plan to find the best person to serve in this position,” said Wright.  “We view our task as critical in the university’s effort to continue the traditions that made the marching band world famous and a major contributor to music education.”

The committee also includes several high profile FAMU alumni including Bishop A.J. Richardson, who serves as the newly appointed Bishop for the 11th Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and Bernard Kinsey, a Los Angeles philanthropist and entrepreneur with a passion for African-American history and art of the 19th and 20h centuries. Richardson, a former drum major, and Kinsey were members of the band in the 1960s.

Other members of the committee include:  Brandon Cunningham, a student and former band president; Delores Dean, director of the Career Center; Patricia Green-Powell, interim dean and professor in the College of Education; Robert Griffin, assistant professor in the Department of Music; Bernard Jackson, president of the FAMU Student Senate and music major; Brenda Jarmon, associate professor in the Department of Social Work; Michael Jefferson, vice president of the Student Government Association; Marcia Owens, assistant professor in the School of the Environment and Faculty Senate representative; Lindsey Sarjeant, professor in the Department of Music; Joanna Sobkowska-Parsons, associate professor in the Department of Music and Angela Adams Suggs,  assistant athletics director for marketing/development.

The position has been posted since June 28. The new director will report to the chairman of the FAMU Department of Music.  That is a change from the previous director, who also served as department chairman. Qualifications include a degree in music and a minimum of five years experience directing bands at the collegiate level.  It will be a full-time, tenure-track position and will be either an associate or full professor position, based on the person’s experience and expertise.

The new director will oversee all aspects of the marching and pep bands.  Specific duties and responsibilities include overseeing all activities of band student organizations and ensembles; providing creative direction; recruiting students for membership; teaching the marching band courses and other courses as needed; planning and directing the summer high school band camp; fundraising; planning and executing the band’s travel to athletics events and other events that have been approved by the university and functioning as the liaison between the Athletics Department, the Division of Student Affairs and the Department of Music.

The director will work closely with the Department of Music Compliance Officer, a newly created position.  Together, they will ensure that staff and members of the marching and pep bands are made aware of and comply with the university's policies and procedures regarding anti-hazing, academic requirements, rehearsal hours and travel. 

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