Holmes takes over on FAMU football's sidelines

big rattler
FAMU defensive coordinator Earl Holmes is stepping in to lead the university's football program on an interim basis. Joe Taylor, the head football coach since 2007, announced yesterday that he is leaving the top job immediately.

Taylor previously planned to retire after the Florida Classic, but changed his mind following the flurry of headlines that surrounded his decision.

"With the enormous amount of coverage that my retirement has been receiving, I felt it was best to step aside and let the team focus on the last two games," Taylor said.

Holmes will coach the Rattlers as they take on North Carolina Central this homecoming weekend in Tallahassee and arch-rival Bethune-Cookman on Nov. 17th in Orlando.

In his five seasons at FAMU, Taylor compiled a 35-19 record. He has a 233-96, overall, career record. He will serve in an advisory role for the football program until his contract expires in January 2013.

Holmes was a Rattler gridiron standout from 1992 to 1995 and completed his college career as FAMU's all-time record-holder in tackles. He was the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Defensive Player of the Year in 1995.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed Holmes as a fourth-round pick in the 1996 NFL draft. He remained in the NFL for ten seasons as a linebacker, spending six seasons with Pittsburgh (1996-2001), one season with the Cleveland Browns (2002) and three seasons with the Detroit Lions (2003-05).

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  1. Good luck Coach Holmes. This could be an audition(?)

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