FAMU must provide Suggs with an experienced fundraiser to keep athletics afloat

da rattler

FAMU Athletics is grappling with long-standing budget issues, which have been exacerbated by a decline in student enrollment --- 3,940 drop in enrollment between 2011 and 2023--- and rising operational costs. Seventy percent of FAMU Athletics' budget is funded by student athletic fees. In 2020, the department was forced to eliminate the men’s tennis and cross country programs to offset a $2.4 million deficit.

By Florida Law, the FAMU Athletics Department receives no direct state or government funds and must be self-sustaining.

As FAMU's new athletic director, Angela Suggs' contract includes specific fundraising performance incentives, requiring her to raise a minimum of $750,000 each year, escalating up to $1 million.

Given this, it is critical that Suggs has an experienced fundraiser working alongside her, not the pre-selected candidate identified by the FAMU Foundation who has no fundraising background.  The importance of this hire cannot be overstated, as any failure to meet the athletic department's fundraising goals will place the responsibility squarely on AD Suggs, not the fundraiser. 

FAMU has a wealth of graduates with actual fundraising experience who could support her efforts.

This ain't a game
Suggs, who was hired just 90 days ago, is tasked with implementing a strategic initiatives to not only raise the necessary funds to cover the current year's budget shortfalls, but enhance the university's sports programs, foster a culture of excellence, and ensure financial sustainability.  

The stakes are high for Suggs as she navigates the complex financial landscape to secure the future of FAMU Athletics. As she works to implement her strategic vision for FAMU Athletics and stabilize and grow FAMU's athletic programs. 

This ain't a game.  Suggs must have a proven, experienced fundraiser working alongside her, not a novice who is friends with someone at the Foundation. 


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  1. This is a joke. This has to be a joke. Looking for the punchline.

    1. Punchline: Marvin Green & Brandi Tatum.

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