Taking a cue from the popular ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, FAMU Alum Cecka Rose Green was inspired by what she saw to create an opportunity to challenge Rattlers to give to FAMU.
Green, came up with the idea to donate $10, the cost of one lunch, to FAMU and challenge 10 others to do the same. On August 25, she posted her challenge on Facebook and "called out" 10 of her family and friends.
Within hours, her FAMU 10 for $10 Giving Challenge challenge was going viral on Facebook and twitter. As with most challenges of this type challengers, and those challenged, must provide proof that they have donated.
To date, more than $51,000 has been donated by over 1,700 individual donors. Green's goal is to top the $500,000 mark by the end of the year from over 5,000 donors. You can earmark your donation to whatever area at FAMU that interest you most -- athletics, College of Education, scholarships, or "area of greatest need." The important thing is that you give.
Joining the challenge is easy: 1) Donate at least $10.00 to the FAMU Foundation; 2) Copy and Paste your confirmation page to your social media platform (Facebook, Linkden, Twitter, etc); and 3) Challenge 10 of your friends to match your $10 gift.
Not on social media? You can still give and "call out" your friends on the phone and mail a check to the FAMU Foundation at: 625 E. Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL 32308-4933