Mangum defends FAMU’s diversity and Academic Opportunity Success students

big rattler
In the Sunday edition of the Tallahassee Democrat, FAMU President Elmira Mangum defended the university’s diversity and Academy Opportunity Success students from criticism she received from members of the Florida Board of Governors.

From: “Q&A: Mangum says FAMU ‘committed to diversity’”:

Q: Did Board of Governors members catch the university off-guard by suggesting that FAMU diversify its student body population?

A: “No. The university is fully committed to diversity. One of the three investment strategies in our Work Plan is to broaden our student base.

This administration has visited Brazil, India, various African countries, and China as part of our efforts to broaden the base.

We have entered into agreements that will promote student and faculty exchange and finding solutions to global social, economic, and environmental issues. We have an economically and ethnically diverse student body. We provide a multi-cultural environment, which is evidenced by the inclusion of students from about 70 countries.

Q: What is the most troubling issue brought up by the board?

A: “Given the available resources, the issue that concerns us most is one of timing. In fall 2009, 79 percent of the freshmen enrollees were Academic Opportunity Success (AOS) students. Many of these students require intensive academic support services.

Our newly reorganized Student Success Center is providing them with the wrap-around support services they need to graduate. The percent of AOS enrollees declined to 29 percent in the fall of 2014. We can expect to see significant improvements in the time to degree metric and our six-year graduation rate that are correlated to the decline in the percentage of AOS enrollees since 2009.

My administration sees this as an opportunity to come up with new and innovative ways to move the needle forward. Working with the Board of Governors, our Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and students we are developing a plan that fully addresses the BOG's concerns and, moreover, improve student success.

Students come to FAMU to get a quality education and to graduate. I will have an announcement forthcoming shortly about the collaborative structure that I will set up this summer to revise our Work Plan by this fall.”

FAMU shares the BOG's concerns about student success and we are working to enrich the learning environment to ensure that our students can attain their educational goals. We have stabilized our leadership structure and are now focused on implementing our strategic initiatives and ensuring accountability.”

Read the full article here.

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