New general counsel might not have Florida Bar membership before Mangum’s contract ends

big rattler
1 minute read
On Friday, the Tallahassee Democrat reported that new FAMU General Counsel Maria Feeley isn’t a member of the Florida Bar. She told the newspaper that she “will become licensed in Florida.”

Feeley might not have enough time to earn her Florida Bar membership before the end of the FAMU president’s employment agreement.

The next Florida Bar Exam testing date is February 21-22, 2017. The results for the February bar exam are typically released sometime in mid to late April. Last year, the Florida Supreme Court gave its final approval to 546 candidates for bar admission on April 11 and the Florida Board of Bar Examiners posted a press release announcing the results that same day.

FAMU President Elmira Mangum’s contract ends on April 1, 2017.

If Feeley isn’t a member of the Florida Bar by the time the FAMU Board of Trustees holds its next discussion about Mangum’s contract, the board might have to seek legal advice on that document from someone else.

The Florida Bar’s Unlicensed Practice of Law counsel, William Spillias, told the Democrat that a lawyer who doesn’t have bar membership is limited in the type of legal profession work he or she is permitted to do.

“Generally speaking, such an individual may not appear in court, and may not practice law or render legal advice and services, unless otherwise authorized by court rule, case law, statutes or state or federal regulations,” Spillias told the newspaper.

Feeley will receive a salary of $222,500 per year.

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