FAMU celebrates 110th coronation

big rattler
1 minute read
Rattlers entered Jake Gaither Gymnasium on Sunday evening with high expectations and a total sense of pride as Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) crowned its 110th Miss FAMU, and its 17th Mr. FAMU.

Gaither Gym was adorned with golden silk drapes, orange and green bouquets, and the smiles of proud students, faculty and alumni. Jhori Stallworth, a senior business administration student, started the night on a high note singing her rendition of the National Anthem. Soon to follow was the entrance of each student organizations’ royal representatives, FAMU Developmental Research School’s Royal Court and Florida A&M University’s Royal Court.

Expressing gratitude for the experience and continued support, Anquinette Taylor and Imir Hall walked down the aisle as Miss and Mr. FAMU for the very last time.

Soon to follow was the entrance of Florida A&M University’s brand new Mr. FAMU, Randall L. Griffin, and Miss FAMU, Amberly R. Williams.

“Since I was a little girl I knew in my heart that I wanted to come to FAMU,” said Williams. A tearful Williams told the audience how she always dreamed of being Miss FAMU, and that becoming Miss FAMU felt more amazing than she imagined.

Joyful students could not be ignored during coronation as once student yelled “We love you Amberly” from the crowd, as others joined in. Cheering, clapping and laughter was all that could be heard from the “FAMUly” student section.

The Mahogany dancers performed a moving tribute to the new Miss and Mister FAMU, and fourth year music major Alexus Newton sung her very own rendition of Beyoncé’s "I Was Here," a song that couldn’t be more perfect for the occasion.

Dedicated to a year of service at FAMU and in the community, both Williams and Griffin are excited to take on this new journey as the new faces of FAMU.

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