FAMU riding high in NCAA football attendance

big rattler
1 minute read
The latest home attendance figures released by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) show Florida A&M University (FAMU) ranking in the Top 20 among Football Championship Subdivision (Division I-AA) football programs in total and average attendance.

FAMU is #17 in total attendance with two games left at home in 2016, having drawn 35,916 fans for the two home games played so far in 2016.

The university is also second in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference in total home attendance behind North Carolina A&T (38,853) which is #14. But in terms of average home attendance, the Rattlers are #5.

FAMU averaged 17,958 fans for the first two home games. That is up from 2015, when FAMU finished #11 in FCS with a per-game average of 15,060 (60,240 fans in 4 games).

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