Back on February 16, 2016 Bruno and Harrison won the
positions of SGA president and vice-president by 163 votes. They received 1,366
to the 1,203 votes of the Victor Chrispin/Pernell Mitchell ticket. But they
were not able to take office until Wednesday, January 11, 2017 due to a long
legal battle over the election results and the failure of Student Government
Association (SGA) officials to schedule a new election in a timely fashion.
If Bruno wins reelection to the SGA presidency, he will
follow Tonette Graham and Gallop Franklin as students who were
elected twice to represent the FAMU student body on the Board of Trustees.
Two additional tickets have filed for the race. One ticket
consists of Marquise McMiller and William Gardner. The other consists of Dajuh
Sawyer and Byron Carter.