Appreciation Week focuses on FAMU graduate programs

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2 minute read
By Katherine L. Brinkley-Broomfield
Florida A&M University

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University’s (FAMU) School of Graduate Studies and Research sponsored Graduate Student Appreciation Week, March 13-17.

Terrance McNeil, academic program specialist and coordinator of the Graduate Feeder Scholars Program, served as the primary facilitator of the week’s activities.

“We have graduate student appreciation week because it’s our way of acknowledging the outstanding contributions and academic achievements of our students. We’re very proud of them, Florida A&M University’s graduate programs are by far some of the strongest among all HBCUs,” McNeil said.

McNeil, who is also a graduate student at the University, has taken advantage of the multiple opportunities available to him, including being nominated and selected as a FAMU White House Commission for HBCU’s All-Star.

“I’m very proud of that achievement and everything else I’ve been able to accomplish as a graduate student at FAMU.  I want to share that information with undergraduate students and others who may think about coming to FAMU for graduate school,” McNeil said.

From a “Graduate School 101” Workshop to a Graduate School Recruitment Seminar on the “Set,” participants learned more about the benefits of earning a graduate degree. Erica J. Childs, a graduate mental health counseling student, said the information provided during the week was very beneficial.

“I think graduate appreciation week went very well. We actually passed out student waivers that they were able to complete to waive the application fee,” Childs said.

Nicole Moltimore, vice president of the Graduate Student Association, said many of the University’s students are unaware of the graduate degree programs available at FAMU and through the Graduate Feeder Program. An official agreement arranged by FAMU with more than 40 participating universities in the United States, the Graduate Feeder Scholars Program (GFSP) enrolls 75-100 FAMU graduates annually in feeder institutions.

“We did very well as far as reaching out to the students,” Moltimore said. “The programs here are amazing, but we also have schools that will come recruit our students, and pay their way to attend their schools,” she added.

Ultimately, McNeil believes a graduate education is a wise investment.

“The research is out there, which suggests that those who go on after their undergraduate education will receive a higher quality of life in general, and in terms of work attainment and salary,” McNeil said.

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