Founding J-School Dean Ruggles offers possible motivations on Kimbrough's dismissal

da rattler
1 minute read
Robert "Bob" Ruggles, the founding dean of the FAMU School of Journalism and Graphic Communications, used his facebook page hours after news broke of the firing of J-School Dean Ann Weed Kimbrough to offer his thoughts on to the possible reasons why. 

He also cited the questionable credentials of too many of the school's adjuncts, potential issues related to re-accreditation of the school, and low faculty morale.

Ruggles, founded the Division of Journalism in 1974 alongside former professor Thelma Thurston Gorham, and transformed it into a full fledged "school", complete with its own building and labs. 

Under Ruggles' watch, FAMU became the first HBCU with an accredited journalism program. He developed sequences in newspaper journalism, broadcast journalism and public relations. Since then, he has helped numerous HBCUs receive journalism accredatation, including Jackson State, Grambling and Hampton universities.

During his 29 years leading the FAMU journalism program, Ruggles, by his own accounts, raised over $15 million for the program

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