Florida Bar division recognizes FAMU Law students, group with year-end honors

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The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Law Student Division recognized the student chapter at Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Law as “Chapter of the Year” during the 2017 Annual Florida Bar Convention in Boca Raton in June.  All 12 Florida law schools with an active YLD chapter are considered for the honor.

The Law Student Division of the YLD was created to assist the YLD in furthering the goals of the Florida Bar.  The group is designed to encourage interest in, and participation by, Division members in the purpose of the YLD.  They also connect law students to YLD through a variety of activities and projects designed to be of interest and assistance to Division members.

This year, the FAMU College of Law chapter aimed to provide access to excellent networking opportunities, to encourage professional and personal growth for their classmates, and to promote the importance of individual self-care.

The group hosted five events throughout the 2016-2017 academic year including “Balancing Law and Professionalism” paired local attorneys and judges with students for a speed mentoring session; “Chill Out Before Finals” offered edibles and activities for students to destress before finals; “Finals Survival Pack” provided 1L students with pre-approved items for finals; “The Winning Edge Super Run 5K” allowed participants to exercise and contribute to various causes; and “Professionalism Headshots” allowed interested students to sit for a professional headshot to update professional profiles for potential internships and employment.

In addition, the YLD Law Student Division is governed by its own President and Board of Governors.  A total of six representatives are elected and/or appointed from each of Florida’s twelve law schools.

Christian Lexima, a then-rising third-year FAMU law student, was named Governor of the Year for the YLD Law Student Division.

Lexima joined then-rising third-year FAMU law student Danielle Manning, and then-rising second-year FAMU law student Kirsten Williams as part of the new Executive Board of Governors for the Law Student Division of the Florida Bar’s YLD.  The new appointees who were in attendance were sworn in by the Florida Supreme Court Justice C. Alan Lawson.

Caption: College of Law students Christian Lexima (third from right) and Kristen Williams (far right) pose with law students and members of the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Young lawyer Division during the Florida Bar Annual Convention in June.  The FAMU College of Law YLD Chapter was recognized as Chapter of the Year, with Lexima named Governor of the Year.

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