Leadership void at the top allows problems to fester

da rattler
All is not well at FAMU.  The recent revelation that the journalism dean filed suit against a former subordinate in small claims court over a personal loan is just the latest episode in a story detailing the steady decline of our university under the current administration.  

Since October, Provost Maurice Eddington had been well aware of the allegations against the embattled dean, but did nothing allowing things to fester. We now know his inaction only emboldened the dean's bullying of the employee, and others under her supervision, eventually forcing the woman to seek other employment.

Being decisive is the hallmark of a strong leader, and strong leaders surround themselves with competent staff who are at the ready with solutions.  None of these attributes are characteristics of the Robinson administration. Quite the opposite.

The recent hiring of Alan Robertson, as Vice President of Finance and Administration/CFO, is yet another example of a poorly vetted hire by this administration.

Robertson’s checkered background was well documented. Just last year as he was among the finalist for the presidency at Bethune-Cookman, the Daytona Beach News Journal newspaper noted, "the biographical information on Robertson said he was senior
vice president of business and finance at Atlanta’s Morehouse College since 2013. It also says he served as vice president of finance and administration at Chicago’s Prairie State College during the same time frame." 

We have now learned, that Robertson omitted the fact, that after being named VP Finance/CFO at St. Augustine’s University in North Carolina last year, two months later he mysteriously disappeared.   All-in-all, nothing in Robertson’s background indicated he was a good hire for FAMU, but Larry Robinson hired him anyway.

Then there is Charles Weatherford, Vice President of Research, who’s “born on date” has long since passed.  Weatherford lacks innovation and the ability to build institutional capacity for sponsored research, and the basic ability to support high-quality large scale proposal development and post-award administration. The university is living off agency set-asides for HBCUs, and is largely unable to move beyond the small HBCU set-asides pool. This is disappointing for a university the size, and with the research infrastructure as FAMU.   

On top of this, Weatherford is widely known to frequently take naps in his office during normal business hours.

The leadership at the top of our university has largely been promoted into management but had no real leadership skills.  They enjoy the privilege and rewards of a leadership role, but avoid the meaningful involvement with those they are charged with leading — taking value out of the university without putting value in.  As such, they represent a special case of laissez-faire leadership.  

Perhaps, the first sure sign that we were devoid of leadership was during the housing crisis at the start of the 2017 school year which left 100 freshmen students scampering for a place to live when they arrived to mold and mildew infested rooms.  Unfortunately, inaction and a lack of meaningful engagement to solve the everyday problems at the university have  been the hallmark of this administration.  

As we have said before, FAMU does not need a president, or a provost, who's only focus is achieving another day toward retirement, we need a leader who is engaged and shows up to do the job. Sadly, two and half years into this administration, that is not the case.

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  1. According to the letter posted, $3000 loan sounds generous?

    When I graduated a Rattler and went to work at SJGC then got
    promoted a few years back, it took HR and the Payroll 3 months
    to get me paid even after contracts signed. It wasn't SJGC's fault,
    and this happens to all FAMU employees over the YEARs now...
    not just SJGC. It's the ol' CFO's gig and it never got fixed.. I had
    to get a loan from a bank! I didn't go on hatin' on my boss back
    then for FAMU payroll leaving me to hang out there all summer?

    Da Rattler.. c'mon you been gettin a lil' mean and hang-a-bangin'
    on your good kin. Bunch of us all here are happy with this Dean,
    we're approved for accreditation, headed for gold. Chill some, k?

    You've been staining our FAMU with much a bish bashin' opinion trashin'.
    You lovin' on all that athletes gig? So, give all FAMU more love too, awright?

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