FAMU to hold virtual spring commencement

da rattler
1 minute read
FAMU has moved its 2020 spring commencement ceremony online to recognize its graduates. The move is in response to a state order that bans large gatherings in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus/COVID-19.
The virtual ceremony will be held on May 9 at 10 a.m. on YouTube and include many of the same “pomp, circumstances and traditions” of a regular graduation. No word yet on who the commencement speaker will be.  
Students interested in participating in the ceremony should respond to an email from StageClip by April 24, and submit a photo.
Graduates are not required to purchase a cap, gown, stole, cords, or any other graduation memorabilia to participate. 

“When it is safe to do so, we hope to welcome our spring graduates back to campus to participate in an in person ceremony,” university leaders said.

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