FAMU's College Signing Day Video: Wows & Inspires

da rattler
1 minute read

College Signing Daywas yesterday, and FAMU admissions officials didn’t disappoint releasing a three minute and 57 second mini-movie that was Oscar worthy to welcome the Class of 2024. 

College Signing Day was created by Former First Lady Michelle Obama in 2014 as a way to celebrate high school seniors committed to pursuing their education beyond high school, whether they are seeking a two-year degree, a four-year degree, a certificate or industry- recognized credential or entering the military in much the same way that student-athletes are celebrated.  

May 1, is the traditional deadline for students to make their final college decisions. Typically, College Signing Day is celebrated by high school seniors donning college sweatshirts, and hats of the college of their choice in front of all of their classmates. 

However, in the current environment and in the face of the novel coronavirus pandemic, College Signing Day has moved online.  And, FAMU was well prepared for the move with a spectacular, awe inspiring video.  

While, no one knows what the fall semester will look like, whether it will be online or campus, and as standardized tests retakes for some potential students remain up in the air.  Many colleges and universities have taken positive steps to support students by extending admissions deposit deadlines beyond May 1, or relaxing some requirements.  

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