Go Vote!

da rattler
2 minute read

Today is election day.  

You have no doubt seen and heard tons of campaign ads from candidates.  You've been mailed.  You've been called, and you've probably been texted too.

This election we have an opportunity to elect the first Black woman, and an HBCU grad, as Vice President of the U.S in Kamala Harris, running mate of Joe Biden.

It has been a tough year for race relations in our country this year.  

This summer millions of Americans took to the streets to demand justice for George Floyd, voting today is apart of that journey for justice and making things right.

As Civil Right Attorney Ben Crump told an audience this past Sunday, "the blood of George Floyd is on the ballot.  The blood of Breonna Taylor is on the ballot. The blood of Jacob Blake Jr. is on the ballot.  The blood of Ahmaud Arbery, who was shot while jogging while Blackis on the ballot.  The blood of Trayvon Martin is on the ballot.  The blood of Sandra Bland is on the ballot.

This vote today, isn't just about the next four years, it is about the next forty years.  

As we have seen recently, Presidents get to make important appointments of federal judges, not just the Supreme Court.  Judges who will serve a lifetime, and who could help shape the future of this country.  

Our current President has appointed more federal judges than any U.S. President since Jimmy Carter.  He's appointed over 200 federal judges, and made three appointments to the Supreme Court.   Most recently, he rushed through a Supreme Court appointee in less than thirty days.

So if you are concerned about the way things are going in our country, and if Black Lives really Matter to you, you must vote.
You can find your voting precinct (location) here.  If you have problems voting at the precinct, don't leave,  call  1-866-OUR-VOTE


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