Desmond Stephens named Director of Faculty Development

da rattler

Desmond Stephens, Ph.D., was recently named director of faculty development within the division of Academic Affairs at FAMU. Stephens previously coordinated professional development activities for the College of Science and Technology, faculty development coordinator for the University’s Quality Enhancement Plan and as director for the University’s Innovative Academic Instruction Project. 
Stephens, also serves as an associate professor of mathematics for the College of Science and Technology.
“Dr. Stephens was a tremendous asset for the College of Science and Technology,” said Genyne Boston, Ph.D., associate provost and chief of staff for Academic Affairs. “His ability to develop, implement and oversee professional development initiatives will prove essential to growing our faculty’s knowledge and expertise campus-wide.”
“I’m looking forward to this new opportunity and it’s important to be able to use the classroom as a laboratory and better identify areas for growth,” he said

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