FAMU students saving money through new eBook partnership

da rattler
1 minute read

An internal report suggests, that since FAMU partnered with Cengage to offer students access to subscription-based eBooks and course materials last summer, students have saved on averaged $1,200 each in textbook cost last year.  Since last fall mored than 1,950 FAMU students have taken advantage of the eBook subscription service.

With the subscription, FAMU students pay $123.26 per calendar year -- less than the cost of a single hardcover textbooks -- and gain access to thousands of books and course materials online. 

This partnership helps bring down that costs by more than half, by offering unlimited access to course materials across 70 disciplines and 675 courses.

“FAMU has a strong commitment to ensuring that our students have access to a high-quality, affordable education,” said Maurice Edington, Ph.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs. “This resource will help reduce some of the financial barriers that our students encounter, providing access to modern educational technology offerings and enable our students to become more successful during their educational tenure.”

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