FAMU clears more than $16 million in unpaid student debt

da rattler

In a surprise move, FAMU President Larry Robinson told graduates of the Class of 2020 that the university would forgive more than $16 million in unpaid tuition, fees, and student account balances owed for the 2020-21 school year.  

It is unclear if the debt relief is specifically for the Class of 2020, or if all students at the university who had unpaid balances during the 2020-21 school year would have their balances cleared.
FAMU Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. William E. Hudson, Jr., said the move was a way of practicing our motto of “Excellence with Caring” by supporting students and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. It keeps them from having to get loans to pay off their unpaid balance. It’s been a tough year for our students and their families.”

FAMU received more than $63 million in federal pandemic relief funds from the federal CARES ACT & the American Rescue Plan, about half of that institutional aid was specifically earmarked to provide emergency grants to students whose lives have been disrupted.

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