FAMU football post lowest APR score in Division 1

da rattler
1 minute read
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The NCAA  released its latest Academic Progress Report (APR) on Tuesday, and FAMU football team’s multi-year APR score was 901, the lowest in Division I football.  FAMU football’s score was 91 points below the highest possible APR score of 1,000 and 63 points below the NCAA average of 964 points for football teams. 

This probably explains why we never saw members of the football team attending classes in any of the eight episodes of the team's ESPN realty show "Why Not Us".
The minimum APR academic standard for each team is 930. 
According to an NCAA press release, “typically, teams that scored below the benchmark would have to face penalties that encourage an emphasis and prioritization on academics. However, due to the current penalty suspension in place, teams will not be subjected to penalties this year. Last year, APR data was not released publicly, and penalties were not assessed.” 
All of the other FAMU sports teams exceeded the NCAA’s minimum academic standard. 
FAMU Men’s golf (993) and Women’s bowling (982) posted the highest APR scores.


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  1. I place this failure solely on the shoulders of the former Athletic Director. Instead of buying honeybun vending machines for the football players, perhaps he should have bought some academic tutoring. I'm expecting some more shoes to drop.

  2. Instead of riding around in Mercerdes-Benz Sprinters and doing slick IG videos maybe Kortne and the Coach should have been ensuring that players were actually going to class!!

    Oh and lets NOT forget how he double his "fren" MJ's salary in a year... while neglecting the basics.

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