FAMU Law thanks donors during State of the College ceremony

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FAMU Law Dean DeidrĂ© Keller recognized the College’s donors for nearly half a million dollars in contributions during its State of FAMU Law address on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. The donations and pledges over the past year support student initiatives such as scholarships, fellowships, and experiential learning opportunities.

“We are delighted to receive financial support from our community partners, alumni, and friends,” said FAMU Law Dean Keller. “Many of these gifts are endowed to help ensure the College is positioned to provide financial support to deserving students in perpetuity. Some gifts are directed to specific programs designed to give our law students practical experience in the legal field. Still, other gifts are unrestricted to address the pressing needs of the College.”

Major donors included Florida Blue, Bank United, and Wells Fargo. 

“The Florida Blue Endowed Legal Scholarship at FAMU Law, perfectly aligns with our goal of building and supporting a more diverse talent pipeline that will serve the needs of our traditionally underserved communities,” said Tony Jenkins, Central Florida Market President for Florida Blue.  

BankUnited’s donation supports the Heirs’ Property Project which assist residents with property inheritance laws or issues. While Wells Fargo’s gift supports for the Racial Justice Fellowship Program and for hiring a clinic practitioner in residence to manage the College’s Economic Justice Clinic, which officially launches in January of 2023.

“Our (FAMU Law) legal clinics are on the front line helping our community while providing hands-on legal training for law students,” said Clinic Director Mark Dorosin. “We are excited to launch the Economic Justice Clinic in January to help Black and minority-owned businesses and non-profits that serve under-resourced communities and applaud Wells Fargo for financially supporting this effort.”

Celebrating its 20th year in downtown Orlando, FAMU Law is grateful for donations from members of the FAMU National Alumni Association, law firms, corporations, small businesses, foundations, lawyers, educators, and friends of the law school, Keller said.

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