Robinson's loyalty to Sykes is potential 'suicide mission'

da rattler

Just thirty days ago FAMU President Larry Robinson was at the top of his game, riding a wave of good fortune that made him the envy of many of his peers.  
Academically, FAMU had just broken into the exclusive Top 100 Club of best public universities.  This accolade was a testament to President Robinson’s leadership and strategic vision for the university.  FAMU had not only secured a position among the nation’s academic elite but had also climbed four sports to claim the coveted No. 3 position in the ranking of the nation’s best Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
Athletically, the success story reached its pinnacle when FAMU's football team clinched its first Celebration Bowl victory in a nationally televised contest on ABC TV earning the prestigious title of 2023 HBCU National Champions.    
However, the euphoria surrounding these achievements swiftly dissipated with the abrupt departure of the football team’s head coach.  Sources within the university, and those close to the former coach, suggest that the coach’s departure was marred by botched negotiations with Robinson’s hand-picked first-time athletic director Tiffani Dawn Sykes. 

In the ensuing days things got progressively worse as the search for a new coach turned into a highly contentious and well-publicized affair which has left alumni, students, and fans ---who once presented a united front with the university administration--- disheartened.  
Despite the outcry from the FAMU community, both the AD and Robinson have stood firm in their decision refusing to heed the concerns raised by stakeholders. Their stance has raised eyebrows and led to growing discontent among those who hold a vested interest in the university’s athletic program.  Current members of the FAMU football team publicly expressed their support for the interim head coach, while alumni have made it clear that they favor an internal candidate.   
Robinson and Sykes, on the other hand, appear to prefer to an outside candidate. 

The FAMU National Alumni Association took the unprecedented measures of passing “no confidence” vote on athletic director, and the FAMU Board of Trustee stepped in and demanded that key university stakeholders be represented in the search process.
The backlash stems from a lack of transparency and inclusivity in the decision-making process which has fueled growing frustration by alumni and students who feel they are being ignored.
Legacy in jeopardy
Through all of this, Robinson has continued to support 'his AD' further alienating longtime friends while he has bleed support among FAMU stalwarts. His perceived loyalty and seeming willingness to go down with a Sykes-sized ship is further isolating him from the "FAMUly" and puts his legacy in jeopardy.
Now, the once-celebrated president faces a growing barrage of criticism, which is tarnishing his reputation and raising doubts about his ability to navigate the challenges ahead. 
As the university community awaits the resolution of the football coaches search saga the future remains uncertain for the embattled Sykes and President Robinson’s once-unchallenged legacy hangs in the balance. 

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  1. Is Sykes related to the President or his wife?

    1. Feels like she may be…

  2. He‘s loyal to worse. Way worse. Some campus programs show minimal progress despite having the same “leaders” in place 10+ years, and there's a concerning culture that he seems to ignore. He seems to be a nice person but being president just doesn’t seem to be his thing. You have to take the bad with the good. Your constituency wants to see how you handle adversity.

    1. The issue is not her, it’s him…. leadership quality is the issue here

  3. He wasn't loyal to Wanda Ford!!!! He threw her under the bus in heart beat.

  4. Several members of the Search Committee and financial supporters have openly expressed their choice of Billy Rolle for Head Coach. If Robinson and Sykes ignore our wishes, then I hope they have an alternative plan for a decrease support and season ticket holders. We want a Rattler in the Head Coach position.

    1. They better have an alternative plan like finding themselves another job!

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