FAMU legend Eddie Jackson passes away at 86

da rattler

Eddie Jackson, a beloved figure and long-time supporter of FAMU, passed away yesterday after a courageous battle with cancer. He was 86 years old.


Jackson's association with FAMU spanned over four decades, during which he became an integral part of the university's community and culture. His career at FAMU began as the sports information director under the legendary football coach Jake Gaither. Jackson's talent and dedication to the university were evident as he climbed the ranks, eventually serving as the director of communications and later as the vice president for University Relations under President Frederick S. Humphries.


Even after retiring in 2002, Jackson's commitment to FAMU never wavered. He continued to support the university and its athletic programs passionately. As the leader of the 220 Quarterback Club, Jackson spearheaded efforts to provide financial assistance to various athletic programs. Under his leadership, the club donated over $250,000 in the past decade to support the university's sports teams and the famed Marching "100" Band.


Jackson's passing marks the end of an era for FAMU, but his legacy will undoubtedly live on through the countless lives he touched and the significant contributions he made to the university. His dedication and love for FAMU will be remembered and celebrated by the community for years to come.


"Eddie Jackson was more than just a colleague; he was a pillar of our community and a true Rattler," said a university spokesperson. "His unwavering support and tireless efforts have left an indelible mark on FAMU, and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations."


Jackson is survived by his wife Jerrlyne Allen Jackson, family, friends, and the entire FAMU community, who mourn the loss of a legendary figure and celebrate the life of a man whose impact will be felt for generations.


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