Eyewitnesses detail confrontation between athletic director Sykes and donor

da rattler

A social event at the recent FAMU NAA Convention took a dramatic turn when embattled FAMU Athletic Director Tiffani Dawn Sykes created a commotion with Erica Hill, a member of the FAMU Foundation Board. The incident occurred when Hill approached Sykes to discuss the status of the Rattler Athletic Fund's (RAF) Legacy Society, an exclusive group of donors contributing $25,000 or more each year.


Over the past two and a half days, Rattler Nation conducted interviews with more than 27 eyewitnesses and reviewed three videos of the incident to obtain an accurate account of what happened.  Here's what we learned: Hill, a founding member of the RAF Legacy Society, approached AD Sykes and politely tapped Sykes on the shoulder (nothing serious) and leaned in to ask her if they could move to a quieter area to have a  conversation. 

Several witnesses report that what began as a polite request was met with unexpected hostility from Sykes, who responded loudly and animatedly, shouting, "Oh, so you're putting your hands on me? You trying to hit me or something?"


Things then intensified as Sykes accused Hill of failing to support the university, shouting at Hill, "You ain't did shit for the university."  This caught several folks in the area off guard.  Witnesses said, Marquel Broussard, Executive Assistant to the Athletic Director, got up from her seat and intervened by telling Sykes, "You don't need to worry about her cause she (Hill) ain't nobody!"


Hill, who has a fully funded endowed scholarship in her name in the School of Business and Industry (SBI), was visibly shocked by the outburst.  As the commotion grew it prompted FAMU Women's Basketball Coach Bridgette Gordon to jump between the two women to try to defuse the situation, witnesses said.


The incident sparked a wave of concern among attendees at the event, raising questions about the professionalism and conduct of the Athletic Department's leadership. Many attendees expressed disappointment over the public confrontation, emphasizing the need for unity and respectful dialogue, especially among university leaders and major donors.

A persistent problem

Sykes one and a half year tenure has been marked by misstep after misstep after misstep.  The troubles began with the botched Orange Blossom Classic negotiations, followed by a series of gross misrepresentations.The situation worsened at the home football opener against UWF, where long lines led to many missing the start of the game. Fans took to social media to express their frustration, with one declaring, "The lines were longer than the ones at a Beyonce concert. The AD gets an F today. Truly sad."

This was followed by the news of a projected $817,000 athletic budget deficit under Sykes' watch, despite her inheriting a department with a nearly $300,000 surplus. On top of that, she overspent her operating budget by $146,752 (108 %) 

The pinnacle of discontent, however, came during the month-long search for a football coach. Sykes' perceived incompetence, ineptitude, arrogance, and frequent lies were on full display, undermining the trust of the Rattler fanbase. The Executive Board of the FAMU National Alumni Association delivered a resounding blow with a 19-1 "no confidence vote" in Sykes' leadership.

The fallout from this incident left many many hoping for a quick resolution that reinforces the core values and mission of the university.


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  1. What about the P card?

    1. Her P Card been gone cause she didn't pay the bill timely.

  2. Ok. Enough is enough. We need her AND the person that hired her to be gone!

  3. The AD is wonderful. She's done a great job since arriving despite the hate she's received from folks who simply don't want a woman in that role. I find it hard to believe anything in this blog.

    1. Agreed. Our alumni have a long history of meddling not only into athletic matters but on matters of running the university. 7-9 presidents in a 25 year period? I need this small minority of alums to go somewhere. FAMU has achieved in spite of you, not because of you. Yall know who yall are, (FNAA)

    2. The AD is probably a lovely person, except when she isn't cussing out donors, and making foolish mistakes

  4. What do the alumni have to do with the number of presidents over the last 25 years? That’s the piss poor mismanagement by the BOT! We keep hiring all of these terrible presidents who hire terrible ADs. 18 ADs since 2001, and most of them have done a huge disservice to the athletic department

  5. What’s the point in posting negativity for the world to see and talk about. Not a true rattler!

    1. The real question is why was our AD out in public talking disrespectful to our alumni donors like this??? Time and time again, the AD has shown us that she is a not for us, she needs to go!!

  6. Suge Sykes coming in at 6 ft, 325 lbs, had the clear height and weight advantage over Ms. Hill

  7. Wow! In the age of social media where is the standard. I would like to think there were good reasons why she was chosen to represent FAMU as AD but she is an unfortunate embarrassment. She has to go ASAP!

  8. The AD is her own worse enemy, too arrogant and petty!!

  9. AMEN, she is not approachable it’s her way or the highway and her assistant is a little short bad body do girl for the AD. She is a compliance officer by trade. Larry, if you don’t see the writing on the wall TWO MEN AND A TRUCK will be packing the both of you. FAMU takes 2 steps forward and 8 steps backwards. Watch what the Governor’s Office do.

    1. My Dear Fellow Rattlers,
      As a Famuly we should be working WITHIN to help, support and move things forward. If you feel AD Sykes needs help, why aren’t you offering it in a MORE positive way. With a Govenor like DeSantis,, who’s trying to destroy anything and everything BLACK in Florida, this is definitely NOT the time to be “”infighting’. How about expressing positive ways to help her and her staff here, rather than expressing out loud Negativity? How about positive compliments regarding conference championships, graduation honors, fundraising to improve programs, movement towards expanding into a better Athletics office facility-remodeling THE LUA BARTLEY WOMENS ATHLETIC COMPLEX, volunteering to work @ games to decrease long lines, etc. There are many areas in athletics administration that I’m sure many of you who are expressing negativity have NO IDEA what has to be resolved on a day to day basis; It isn’t easy! I don’t condone disrespect on either side, public or private, but please consider keeping it out of the public & GO SEE HER in person. Will you be PLEASED when the Governor puts his pick in charge or try closing FAMU DOWN all together? We should ALL think about it, before continuing this kind of “MURDERING OF FAMU”, on social media platforms. ❤️ From A former Athletic Administrator.

  10. Offering help and singing Kumbaya can't help stupid. You cannot explain away poor behavior. If any of us would have spoken to our client or management in the way she spoke to Erica Hill, we would have been let go immediately. Our brand is "Excellence with Caring". What she said was inappropriate and she should not have said it to a student, employee or donor. Her executive assistant should also be relieved of her duties. This behavior is classless and diminishes our university.

  11. @theFormerAthleticAministrative,
    AD Sykes should positively be fired immediately for the betterment of the athletic department and FAMU. Gov. DeSantis could careless who FAMU's AD is.

  12. FAMU brings all this bad publicity on themselves because they don’t know how to treat their students, staff that work there. All they care about is their own self , shut the shit down Governor DeSantis. Leadership is a fucking Joke.

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