FAMU mens basketball program faces controversy over new coach’s decision to dismiss entire team

da rattler

Patrick Crarey, who is expected to take over FAMU’s men's basketball program on July 1, has already begun to stir controversy by dismissing the entire basketball team he inherited, sparking outrage among players, parents, and some alumni.  FAMU Trustees, will meet today (June 24) Monday, to consider approving Crarey's three-year contract.

Reverend Julius H. McAllister Jr., senior minister of Bethel AME Church in Tallahassee, and the father of dismissed player Colin McAllister, voiced his concerns in a detailed letter addressed to FAMU President Larry Robinson, dated June 23rd, and obtained by Rattler Nation. 

“ I am expressing my feelings in writing because I genuinely believe that the sixteen (16) student athletes were dismissed without an opportunity to show the new administration their gifts and graces,” Rev. McAllister wrote. “Moreover, the dismissal was administered unprofessionally and VOID of even a modest concern for the well-being of our students whom we famously claim to “care” for.

Rev. McAllister's letter outlines the sequence of events leading up to the dismissals, raising questions about the decision-making process and adherence to the university's values.

According to the letter, the decision was announced abruptly on April 27, 2024, just nine days after Coach Crarey's appointment. The dismissals were communicated via telephone to the players during their final exams, causing significant distress and potential academic impact. Rev. McAllister highlighted that the players were given no opportunity to prove themselves to the new coach, contrary to assurances provided by embattled Athletic Director Tiffani-Dawn Sykes.

Rev. McAllister's letter details multiple attempts to engage with Coach Crarey, including a contentious meeting on June 3rd, where the coach reportedly displayed disrespectful behavior. Furthermore, the letter questions the legality and appropriateness of Coach Crarey’s actions, as he was not yet under formal contract with the university or an official university employee.

The controversy also touches on broader issues within FAMU's athletic department. Rev. McAllister recalled a previous incident where players were made to sit in the stands during home games, allegedly because having too many players on the bench was deemed a poor image (on TV) by the AD. This treatment, he argues, is inconsistent with FAMU's motto, "Excellence with Caring."

Rev. McAllister has called for a thorough review of Coach Crarey’s and AD Sykes' actions, suggesting that if their justifications are found lacking, they should be relieved of their positions. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the university's commitment to caring for its students, which he believes has been undermined by recent events.

The university administration has yet to respond publicly to the letter.  
As the story unfolds, stakeholders will be watching to see how FAMU addresses the grievances raised and ensures the well-being of its student-athletes, and wether or not they reflect the institution's core values of "excellence with caring".

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  1. what happens if the BOT doesn't approve his contract?

    1. I would think the entire team would be reinstated, at least until a new appointment for coach.

    2. BOT needs to be shaken up. They micromanage too much and don’t understand the new era of college we are in. That’s what’s really holding FAMU back. The people who are 40 and younger are the future and been saying this. It’s the “older” FAMU crowd thinking the old FAMU ways can work in a NIL/transfer portal era.

  2. How can the new coach dismiss the players if he is not an official employee tet?

    1. the "Great Value" hire from the Vacation Bible School strikes again!

    2. “I got luggage coming and it’s Louis” - a coach who shook up and turned around a D1 program

    3. I don’t understand! Where are processes and procedures in the Athletic Department? Who does something like this to youth? This is unethical and continues to highlight the egregious misconduct of the University.

  3. Man they tripping. That team got the last guy fired.

    1. the last guy couldn't coach.

      Additionally, McAllister isn't the only parent of a student athlete or athlete who has raised this concern about how a new coach could come in dismiss players without even evaluating them or giving them a chance to prove themselves.

    2. This is the new era of college athletics. This isn’t the 90s or even 2000s. With NIL and programs turning around quick due to the portal/money your program will either try the old way and lose in the NIL portal era or adapt to the times and build a contender.

      This needs to happen

  4. 1. Instead of the being on the team that wasn’t producing wins- make the TRYOUT instead of just having a spot so EARN a spot on the team.
    2. If HE is the coach then let HIM coach and do what HE sees is best for the team. Stop micromanaging everyone’s job at the school. They need to be SHAKEN up!
    3. As parents so of yall to SOFT on your kids and that will be detrimental to their growth. This is coming from a military vets, 2X FAMU grad (NAA LIFE MEMBER) and an educator!

    1. You’ve got a few good points there. 🧡💚

    2. Great points!

    3. I agree with you and thank you for your service.. I have a good feeling about coach Let's Go Rattlers 🐍🐍

    4. College athletics normally doesn't have tryouts for their sports (except for walk-on positions). Majority of the players are recruited out of highschool or from another institution and signed on a scholarship contract. Those contracts allow for dismissal for several reasons, low performance being one of them.

      That being said, I still think it's very rash to dismiss the entire current roster. There is no doubt that roster changes need to be made.

      However, there is a way to go about evaluating current strengths and weaknesses of the roster. Finding how best to navigate forward to get players into the program who align with the new coaches game plan and overall vision for the team.

    5. Making them work to earn their year of scholarship (realizing that all athletic scholarships are actually 1-yr contracts with the option for an additional yr.) is an appropriate way of operating. If they don't earn it, they don't stay. But to arbitrarily cut all of them before you even see them personally or before your own contract is secure is a little arrogant and presumptive. AD should be a little perturbed by such a move and certainly not an assumed supporter of these efforts. That would not be micromanaging, but proper management.

  5. The AD has a mission to bring FAMU down. I think she's being paid "under the table, per say" to accomplish that goal, unfortunately, her plan is working. Robinson, wake up!

    1. How? If she hired the women’s basketball coach and graduation rates and GPA for athletes are going up?

      There was a pedophile on the recent roster at one point. Mens basketball at FAMU hasn’t been the same since Gillespie.

      Aren’t most of the dismissed players on academic scholarship? They can still attend FAMU. I’m sure the new coach will hold tryouts for walk ons. Prove your worth there while on academic scholarship like D1 coaches do.

  6. A non employee fires a whole team. Some jerk says the parents are too soft.

  7. Facts: Famu hasn’t been winning in basketball.

    The AD made a great hire with women’s basketball and looks to do the same for the men.

    The new men’s basketball coach turned a non existent program into a contender very quickly.

    Deion did the same thing going to Colorado and turned the buffs around.

    Most FAMU athletics are trending up except men’s basketball. The one sport that is mainly sponsored by Nike/LeBron till 2026. Imagine if the program can get turned around quick how that deal can get extended.

    1. This AD has been in more headlines in her 1.5 year tenure for all the WRONG reasons, less just imagine her gone!

    2. To be clear, Coach McCullum was the problem, NOT the players! McCullum simply couldn't and still can't coach!!!! A coaching change was clearly necessary, but nobody envisioned OBG hiring a coach from VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL in Miami that lost the championship to Fl Mo!

    3. In mens basktball teams with great players can still win games with “bad coaching”. We see this at many levels in basketball. The Lakers got to the 2nd round of the playoffs with “bad coaching” off of the strength of their players. Trust me. If we had top national players on the team they would still be on the roster. Give a new coach a chance. If you see no progress on the court then raise concern.

    4. OBG? Vacation Bible school? Log off and be an adult for once

  8. Have any of you watched that team? If we expect to compete he has start from scratch they are terrible including the good Reverends kid. Running the largest black church in the city shouldn't give you the right to run the HBCU Basketball team or the Head coach.

  9. Indeed a shake up is needed but not with poor strategies and execution. What athelete of great skill would want to come play for ineffective leadership and administration. First things first. Get hired, sign the contract. Get buy-in or approval where needed and fly! Who would wantnat to come play for lousy leadership and administration.Then communicate your plan at the right time in which includes if you are not going to renew player scholarships and cut the team. This is so elementary.

    1. A good AD would have handled this entire situation much better and made for a smooth onboarding for the new coach. Because Sykes is getting OJT this is what we get. This debacle is of Sykes on doing.

  10. Nepotism at its finest. If anyone watched FAMU’s basketball over the last three seasons. Any coach would do the same thing. It’s competition, not just your family making a donation.

    1. 2 years ago we had the SWAC POY in MJ Randolph.

    2. MJ would be on the roster still if he at FAMU. Coach is trimming the fat and building a contender.

  11. If a person is given a job allow that person to be able to exercise responsibility to be successful. Maybe the coach wants the players to earn it rather than being entitled

  12. These kids won 6 games last year. I’d start from scratch too

  13. You come in and dismiss the whole team with players that are 6’4, 6’7, and 6’10‼️WOW!

  14. Imagine being the Head Coach and the BOT, parents, and "stakeholders" telling you how you should build your roster. Doesn't even make logical sense! We may not like his choices but he has the right to make the decisions!

  15. That's a punk A move to communicate such decision to players by phone.

  16. Everyone should be advised that the AD has just came out and said the whole team WAS NOT dismissed, a few walk-ons and others who had better opportunities were.

    1. The student that had his father write the letter was on an academic scholarship, not sports, and was a walk-on.

  17. Clarification and factual information is critical!

    1. I think that is what the FAMU BOT has been asking for from the AD for sometime, yet she continues to provide spew half truths and falsehoods as if they don't already know the answers.

  18. The guy didn’t even win big in the NAIA. The hire was a joke from the beginning. The BOT is also a joke. We look like a bunch of idiots again!

  19. A new coach certainly needs latitude on building a team and the team that I saw last season was lacking in many areas. However, there is a proper and professional way to do anything and this new coach and the current AD did not display sound judgment in their actions regarding this matter.

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