Northwestern University professor to serve as Garth C. Reeves Eminent Scholar in journalism this fall

da rattler

Arionne Nettles
, a distinguished lecturer and the director of audio journalism programming at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, will serve as the Garth C. Reeves Eminent Scholars Chair at FAMU School of Journalism and Graphic Communications, this fall.  

Her appointment is a testament to the FAMU J-School's dedication to excellence in journalism and to prepare students for the rapidly evolving media landscape. As the Garth C. Reeves Eminent Scholars Chair, Nettles will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of journalism education at FAMU.


Nettles, a FAMU alumna, holds a bachelor's degree and an MBA from the School of Business and Industry, as well as a Master's in Journalism from Northwestern University.  She is also currently a Ph.D. candidate at DePaul University, further solidifying her academic credentials and her commitment to the field of journalism education.


"Nettles extensive experience in digital journalism and her passion for teaching make her an ideal fit for the Garth C. Reeves Eminent Scholars Chair. We are confident that she will inspire our students and contribute to the growth and success of our school," said Dean Mira Lowe.


Nettles' expertise in audio journalism and her innovative approach to storytelling will be invaluable to FAMU students. In her role at Northwestern University, she has been instrumental in developing and implementing audio journalism programming that has prepared students for careers in a variety of media platforms.


Nettles' arrival at FAMU comes at a time when the importance of a strong, independent press has never been more evident. Her leadership and guidance will be crucial in preparing the next generation of journalists to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

The Garth C. Reeves Eminent Scholars Chair is named in honor of Garth C. Reeves Sr., 1940 graduate of FAMU and a pioneering journalist and the first African American to own and operate a daily newspaper in Florida.  In the mid-80s his gift of $600,000, which was matched by $400,000 in state funds, to create the $1million Garth C. Reeves Eminent Scholars Chair in the FAMU School of Journalism and Graphic Communications.  The Reeves Chair was the first endowed chair in the SJGC, and the first chair at FAMU endowed by an alum. The Reeves endowed chair is a testament to his love of FAMU and commitment to excellence in journalism education.  

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