Castell's Grammy Mess!

da rattler
Our sources on the second floor of Foote-Hilyer are reporting, and our subsequent phone calls have confirmed, that our very own Cruella DeVille (aka "Cassie" Bryant) almost sabotaged the 100s trip to the Grammy’s by taking forever to signoff on the paper work. The Cruella DeVille song
Grammy planners on late Wednesday threaten to replace the Incomparable Marching 100 with Grambling. At the ninth hour Mrs. Bryant relented and allowed the 100 to make the trip after several phones calls from key planning committee members stressing the urgency for her approval.

However, as punishment, Band Director Dr. Julian White, was not allowed by Castell to make the trip with band members (which was paid for by Roc-A-Fellla Records) to Los Angeles. Mr. White got the bad news late yesterday afternoon and band members left town early this morning.

During the course of events, SGA President Ramon Alexander has not risen to the occasion to defend the rights of students, freedom to speak through music and dance; and neither has Trustee Mary Diallo to defend Dr. Whites’ right to academic freedom.

How will Cruella spin this?

Our guess is that she will force Mr. White to say that he was too busy and couldn't leave campus to accompany his students on what is universally recognized as the music industry's biggest night. Really, now? Who's too busy to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Sad indeed.

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  1. Start the MF Presidential search!

  2. If anything, she should work to be the glue rather than the the solution rather than the problem...

    From The Snake Pit

  3. When are we going to find a leader who is NOT out to destroy us?

  4. Better yet, when are we going to find a leader period? I certainly wouldn't call what we have now a leader!

  5. Let me clear this up. Initially, the appearance was approved by the Provost and Prez. However, problems arose whan the contract came in. While in negotiations with the production company, Dr. Bryant realized that Dr. White did not provide accurate info. The production company sent out an RFP of sorts to various HBCUs and FAMU sent in an audition tape. Dr. Bryant was under the impression that the University was contacted directly and asked to submit a tape, as well as a few other minor things. The production company cleared up the mess with Dr. White sitting there and not denying what actually occured. That is why he was told he could not go because during the negotiations the University had " egg on its face" because of incorrect info. The production company pays for travel, hotel, meals and $5,000 to FAMU. Not much, but better than nothing.

  6. Whatever the mistake was (which hasn't been said by our "expert"), there's absolutely no reason why you can justify not having your director be in attendance at an event of this magnitude. Take care of that after he returns, but don't jeopardize this opportunity to recruit and represent the marching 100 in a way that only he can do.

    WHEN is castell going to be there FOR the 100 and not against it?

    Her last days can't get here soon enough.

  7. Here's the problem - Dr. White has a history of not providing all of the details to the administration. Thus, when issues arise and the administration approaches it in one way, it then finds out what really happened and the administration appears stupid. If all the information is presented truthfully, then really and truly the issues will not come up. Dr. Bryant is getting tired of Dr. White constantly doing this. I'm not saying I agree with her decision but I'm not surprised by it. Both parties need to be professional and upfront with each other - don't leave out details b/c you want a certain result, especially when legal issues arise.

  8. So what you're saying is that this is punishment for Dr. White?

    Could WE have not handled this differently?

    I think Castell has an agenda where he's concerned. If she doesn't want him in his position, she needs to say so, and stop playing games.

  9. Thanks EJ for that spin at 10:38 a.m and 10:03 a.m. Consequently, the only person that appeared stupid (egg on face) in this instance was Cassie. Anyone in music or familiar with the music industry understands that an audition precedes a performance. If not, you, Castell and crew would have been performing at the Grammy’s.

    Keep hope alive. Someone out there is buying into Castell’s BS.

  10. Who's EJ?

    “Let me clear this up. Initially, the appearance was approved by the Provost and Prez. However, problems arose whan the contract came in. While in negotiations with the production company, Dr. Bryant realized that Dr. White did not provide accurate info.”

    Now you are REALLY making Madame Prez seem like she doesn’t know what she’s doing. Due diligence on her part would have sufficed. If she had asked questions for clarification on points of the contract prior to signing/approving the contract this would not happened.

    It’s obvious that reading is fundamental.

    Any and everything about this agreement (contract) was put into writing.

  11. Again, is that enough to keep the man from being in place to support and represent his program?

    I guess maybe I'm not asking the right questions... or am I?

  12. I know for a fact that Doc is a CYA person. He's learned that skill over many years working at FAMU. Were you in the room when this all took place or are you castell's mole to get out her version out because of how she looks in this situation. Sounds like spin to me.

  13. Just think Castell almost ruined this moment for all proud Dr White, band members, band directors, alumni, students, faculty, friends and supporters of FAMU and for WHAT!

  14. Funny thing, she didn't even show up to the noon reception for the band, either.

    I wonder why?

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