Castell to Pharmacy Faculty: Yall Overpaid!

da rattler
On the eve of this week's accreditation site visit, the interim president met with faculty at the College of Pharmacy last week. We are told, among the things she told them is that they are among the highest paid faculty in the university and that she will be looking to reduce their salaries. She also told COP faculty that they are overstaffed.

She told the faculty she will be reaccessing their salaries and making (downward) adjustments accordingly.

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  1. I wish this site would post real news instead some "we are told" foolishness

  2. Castell is overpaid. Her salary far exceeds her skill set.

  3. FAMU Community to Castell: Your arse Overpaid!

  4. To 9:15, if you don't like what is published, don't read the blog!

  5. that's b/c the "we are told" turns into real news about 1-6 months afterward. the boys are good.

  6. TO "I wish this site would post real news instead some "we are told" foolishness" at 11/06/2006 9:15 AM.

    The REAL NEWS come on in the evenings on t.v. And why were you reading this at 9:15 a.m. anyway? You're not working? Why don't you post a "real news" site for those like you to look at.

    In the meantime.... THANKS GUYS FOR KEEPING US UPDATED! What often seems like gossip almost always turns out to be the TRUTH!

  7. For example, last week RN told yall about the FAMU faculty ratings of Cast-hell. Tomorrow, the Democrat will get around to telling you what you already know!

    So consider yourself well informed, like the rest of us RN readers.

  8. RN, your information is grossly wrong. I am a member of the faculty of the College of Pharmacy and was present at the meeting.

  9. Uhm...Do you care to expound on what "really" did happen at the Pharmacy faculty meeting?

  10. Anonymous said...
    RN, your information is grossly wrong. I am a member of the faculty of the College of Pharmacy and was present at the meeting.
    11/07/2006 9:11 PM

    You must have come in late. I was at the meeting also and the information presented on RN is an accurate summation of what was said.

    While Castell didn't exactly say "Yall", she DID say "you all" are among the highest paid. She wen't even further than what was presented her and said she wanted folks to write down what their duties were in an effort to "right size" salaries.

  11. Castell's got some nerve, talking about folks' high (if indeed they are) salaries. She said nothing about downsizing her own salary or the raises or bonus she received when that incompetent board voted to give her all that woman. Her raise AND salary alone totaled $80gs. Add that to her already $300gs salary, add that to her retirement, add that to her social security. The woman's got some damn nerve to even discuss the matter of downsizing folks' salaries, when most professors don't even make half of what her bonus was.

  12. correction on the previous blog...
    "...voted to give all that money..."

  13. I'm not sure if we get what we pay for in the COP, I do know that we DON'T get what we pay for in an Interim. And I wish people would re-insert the interim in the title of the position she blunders. Who cares if she doesn't care for it? She needs to give up her salary for the year and free up funds for the second phase of the COP construction. Talkin' about building it later. It needs to be built post-haste- just like her exodous of office should be, and that wardrobe of hers.No hope for the evaluation ratings.

  14. Question?

    How many grants has the IP got funded?

    How many federal dollars has she brought back from Capital Hill?

    How many initiatives has she got funded through the state legislature?

    How many funds has she raised for students' scholarship?

    How many funds has she raised for the Foundation?

    And finally, can anyone tell the world what has Casthell left at the table she has so soberly feasted upon?

    Zilch, Nada, Nothing, Zero, etc.

    This person needs to put up some Woodrow Wilsons ($100,000 bills and out of print) or shut up.

    Right now, the College of Pharmacy is a multi-million dollar cash cow that keeps on producing for FAMU.

    She on the other hand created the largest deficit in FAMU's 21st Century history and tried to pass it off as a surplus. PLEASE!

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