University Officials holding up Audit

da rattler
Rattler Nation has learned that Florida A&M officials are deliquent in turning over materials to the state Auditor General's Office. The auditor's are working feverishly to complete an "operational audit" of the University, which they expected to complete in September. The audit has been held up because FAMU hasn't turned in its paper work, yet again.

An operational audit is a systematic check of how the University manages its business operation.

FAMU was a tardy in turning over materials to state auditors during their audit of the University's finances.

Auditors are fustrated in their attempts to complete their work by Interim Vice President of Fiscal Affairs Grace Ali and Vice President of Compliance Rufus Little.

Shout out to our Bureau on the 3rd floor of Lee Hall.

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  1. Surprise, surprise, Cast-Hell at it again.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if the audit results from last year are the same. Hell, we still have the same firm and people cooking the books. What's new?

  3. Another deficit on the horizon. I can see it now!.


  4. Cast-hell, and nim, holding up this thing on purpose. Don't want it to come out during the search. Maybe she's holding out hope that Trustees will keep her on.

  5. I remember when they "held folks paychecks"

  6. Castell & Co. turned in the financial statement on time. The problem is that they're not cooperating in giving the additional information the State Auditor General's office needs in order to check and verify the information Castell submitted.

  7. When Fred G. was held responsible for not getting the financial statements in on time about two years ago, folks wanted to take the man out and beat him like he stole something. I think we oughts to go find a belt for Castell & Nim.

  8. How big do you expect the surplus to be this time?

  9. I live in MN and used to watch and listen to the board meetings, football games and campus radio station (90.5) on FAMCAST. Now I can't anymore and heard that the administration doesn't want it webcast over the Internet. What's the deal? It was how I stayed connected to what's happening at FAMU.

  10. Anonymous said...How big do you expect the surplus to be this time?
    12/21/2006 10:10 PM


    I would settle for $1, just so long as it isn't a $10.4M deficit.

  11. It's time for AC!

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