University ignored cry for help from pharmacy

da rattler
Members of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences made numerous complaints to the Board of Trustees about their school possibly being put on probation, and it finally happened.

If you knew one of your biggest money making colleges' accreditation was in danger, why not do something before the problem grew?

Read more: Castell ignored pharmacy

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  1. Dam right she ignored them!

  2. She ignored those people in pharmacy just like she's ignored every doggone thing else that wasn't to her liking. I bet she didn't ignore that $30,000 bonus (for doing nothing but screwing things up; neither did she ignore that $50,000 "raise" she got for continuously screwing things up). When she leaves the university, she needs to rent a u-haul and carry that old man-looking Debra & that ol' tired, cussing behind Liz McBi*ch, with her, with her can't-win-a-lawsuit-self.

  3. Talk about a woman who has over stayed her welcome, Castell should have never been allowed to set foot on campus.

  4. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    I can't wait until these poor excuse for women are gone from our campus. Let's hope they have Challis' hand in tow also.

  5. How long did it take the board chair to reach out to the new president with a congratulatory phone call?

    Word on the streetz is that there's some real "salty" people in Lee Hall and Foote-Hilyer. I guess they realize like the old Lou Rawls song said, "your real good thing is about to come to an end."


  6. ^^^^^

    bump that,i hope they finish packing!

  7. Why don't they hire a consultant to pack their stuff. Then again, why should they have time to pack? They did not extend that courtesy to all of those employees they gave 30 minutes to pack and be escorted to their cars by the police.

    They need to suffer the same humiliation.

  8. not only university ignored

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