Control of engineering school likely gone

da rattler
Infuriated over revelations about missing computers, unpaid employees and lax financial management, state lawmakers are pushing to strip Florida A&M University of financial oversight over the engineering college it jointly runs with Florida State University.

House and Senate leadership, who OK'd the shift of $10.4 million to run the college from FAMU's budget to FSU in 2007-08 spending plans released this week, said they could no longer trust the historically black university's current administration to oversee taxpayer dollars.

"It's a done deal," former Senate President Jim King of Jacksonville said Thursday.

Castell says she's clueless

Castell Bryant, reached at the Board of Governor's meeting, said she was unaware any such movement was afoot.

"I don't know anything about that," she said.

continue reading: FSU likely to gain control of College of Engineering School

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  1. I am thoroughly convinced now that the master plan for FAMU is to turn it back into just a producer of undergraduate degreed African-Americans to boost the state of FL's racial numbers. After seeing Jennifer Jefferson, Tallahassee Democrat reporter, at the Honor's Convocation yesterday where Dr. Frederick S. Humphries spoke and defended his administration and absolutely nothing is in today's Tallahassee Democrat screams conspiracy in a big way. Humphries said boldly that the problems FAMU is now experiencing did not happen on his watch and even exposed that Fred Gainous could not close the books until Humphries staffers wrote a letter to tell him where the $3 million was that he needed to close the books. Now Cast-Hell just gives away the College of Engineering to TK Wetherell, who was the last state legislator to propose merger between FAMU and FSU, we MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. James Corbin, Cast-Hell Bryant, Challis IS LOWE, and all of their cronies should be kicked in their royal asses for allowing FAMU to fall to this state of affairs. This is absolutely the worst six years in FAMU's glorious history and we have Mr. Corbin to thank for it. He's virtually handing FAMU over to its enemies. I'm mad as hell! This board is the PITS! Daryl Parks, Maurice Holder and Dr. Ammons will need our help to stand and fight any and everyone who wants to turn the clock back on FAMU. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!!!

  2. I am thoroughly convinced now that the master plan for FAMU is to turn it back into just a producer of undergraduate degreed African-Americans to boost the state of FL's racial numbers.

    Not to take the wind out of your sails but isn't that all that FAMU is anyways?

  3. H____ no. It produces a variety of graduate and professinal degree students who are not only African American but, Latino, Asian, Cuban, Mideastern, etc

  4. FAMU is classified as a Doctoral Research University by the Carnegie Foundation.

  5. FAMU is not even doing a good job producing bachelor degrees. One of the worst schools with regard to retention and graduation.

  6. Humphries is a COWARD!

  7. And so is your daddy!

  8. That betta not be you Ruff Ruff cause if I catch your sorry ass at our special party I'ma beat it good.

    You were all up in Humphries kool-aid yesterday yelling that's my president.

    Just so damn two-faced.

  9. 5:46--not to further escalate the deflation, but I've taught at FAMU for over fifteen years, and I can count on one hand the number of Asians, Latinos, Mideasterners that I have taught in my classes, and I teach core classes that are needed by all incoming students. So where are all these students that you speak of?

  10. Maybe you were in the wrong core courses. Look over in Architecture, Allied Health and Pharmacy. It's a whole lil' nation.

  11. Whaaaa??? Who are you, 7:01 and 7:04? Why are you even reading and commenting on Ratter Nation?

  12. Whats next? Architecture? Pharmacy?

  13. 10:59--I wasn't in the wrong core courses, but somewhere along the line in 15 years, I would think that I would have seen some of these folks somewhere, if nowhere but up and down the corridors and/or in/outside the building. Perhaps they took their core classes someplace else, because I've just not seen too many.

  14. 10:59--I wasn't in the wrong core courses, but somewhere along the line in 15 years, I would think that I would have seen some of these folks somewhere, if nowhere but up and down the corridors and/or in/outside the building. Perhaps they took their core classes someplace else, because I've just not seen too many.

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